How to discipline a 2 and 1/2 year old...

Otamendi's Beard

Well-Known Member
11 Jul 2007
I know this isn't mumsnet, but just wondered how other dads went/go about disciplining their toddlers?

It's such hard work!!

My daughter has refused to sit down while eating and, when I've put her back in her seat, hit me in the face!! Told her off in a firm but not shouty manner and she threw it all over the floor and gave me a look of disgust - ha!!

Took her up to her room and said she can stay there for a while as she's been naughty. Not sure what good it'll do...

I remember the days where a slapped bum off my dad would be enough to put me right. But not sure that's PC or allowed anymore.
Ignore bad behaviour ,give one warning and if they carry on put them on the naughty step,if they keep getting up put them back without speaking and eventually they get the message,start now and it'll be easier going foward
Fella - you know deep down what you have to do.
You need to discipline the child in a fair but firm manner so she knows she has done wrong and she is not to do it again.
Get on with it and report back to us when you have.
Asked Mrs tiny as she used to train child minders etc and has degrees coming out of her arse! Plus she's never wrong...*sigh*

She won't understand discipline really ......distraction is the key, sing and give toys before meal time make it happy and get into a routine. When she does the right thing smile, clap and praise, when she doesn't leave her and turn away and don't turn back until she settles. No attention at all. Tbh all kids go through the stage of throwing their bowl on the floor like all of them!!! it's just what they do. You can get ones that have a sucker on the bottom. Prob best to invest and stick it down. Also she is at the age where she will want Independence now she's prob ready for a 'big girl' chair, a booster one at the big table, or her own little table and chair like those cheap plastic ones. He'll prob find she will settle when she's made to feel more grown up.

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