Hughes wishes rags well in treble quest.

Yes, obviously they have a chance because they obviously have an obviously good team, which is obviously ticking off matches, with the obvious results.
The central theme of this thread was Hughes licking fergies clinkers rather than having an affinity with Manchester City.
My opinion is that Hughes was very lucky to be where he was when the money started rolling in and I think he truly did his level best for us . . . with his long-term aim being sufficient success to earn him a tilt at the ManUre job when fergies pickled ticker packs in.
Simple as that really; he's been a rag at heart for many years and he would not and could not have remained with us long-term regardless of whatever success he might have achieved because his sights were ultimately set on a job in Salford.

Hughes is a fairly decent manager and I'm sure that he'll have a job in the prem or the 1st div throughout his career but I don't think he was good enough for the top level and ergo not good enough to fit in with our development and future plans.
I'm not bitter about his time at the CoMS, I supported him while he was our manager (as fans should do) but I didn't even consider shedding a single tear when he was ousted to make room for Roberto because I knew that Mancini was and is a better manager than Hughes will ever be. I like to think of Hughes being a stepping stone on our journey to greatness . . and he did his bit then got stepped on and stepped over.

My message to the man? "Good luck to you Mr Hughes because I really would like Fergie to cough his last and I really would like you to get his job because that would damn the rags to mid-table obscurity of worse for as long as you could cling onto that job by your finger-tips.
You gave it your best for us (thanks) but you were out of your depth and it was a mercy to see you replaced by a better man.
Now all you need to do is to learn how to zip it because when you open your mouth you don't earn friends - just inspire new enemies is all."

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