Joanna Yeates - Student murdered

Skashion said:
Johnsonontheleft, I'm going to suggest that you turn off Fox News once in a while.

OK, let's have a joint New Year's Resolution. I'll stop watching Fox News if you stop reading the Guardian and the Mirror.
tweetstreet said:
for those who say prison isn't a holiday camp i suggest you speak to a prison officer first.

Prisoners seem to have more rights than them these days.

Did you know that 1 of their key rights is not to reveal they have HIV/AIDS if they don't want to?
Which means if you are said prison officer who finds a prisoner who has slit their wrists or neck and you try to save them you could be unwittingly infecting yourself with AIDS.
What's that got to do with Holiday camps?
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
I think nijinsky's fetlocks is on a wind up. A plant by the BNP to make liberals look a bit stupid. The initials are NF, and judging by the content of some of his bile, I think it's a pretty good bet.

Let me ask you a serious question NF. If he IS convicted after a fair trial, (because we know that fair trials deliver justice - just ask OJ) what sentence would you advocate? 20 yrs but out in 10 on good behaviour? What if it was YOUR daughter? 30 yrs?

Oh fuck me - Bluemoon's leading intellectual has rumbled me.
A poster who wins most forumites 'most stupid' award unchallenged.
'The initials are NF' - yep,I knew that sooner or later some braniac would crack the enigma code.
Let me answer your 'serious question',and then hopefully you will fuck off and mither somebody else,as my main New Years resolution is not to debate with the hard-of-thinking in 2011.
First - the current legal system we have may well have it's shortcomings,but I consider it to be infinitely preferable to a bunch of monosyllabic chavs with a length of rope dispensing lynch mob justice,which is the alternative suggested by some loons on here.
Second - OJ was let off,(and then convicted),by the American judiciary,so what the fuck bearing that has on the Yeates case,only you and your head full of magic knows.
Thirdly - I am not a member of the legal profession,and neither are you,(thank fuck),so I leave the advocacy and sentencing to those who know more about it than I do.
As you do,in a civilized society.
Now I suggest you continue your amateur sleuthing and try to unveil some more BNP activists,because I can't be arsed responding to your drivel any more.
tweetstreet said:
for those who say prison isn't a holiday camp i suggest you speak to a prison officer first.

Prisoners seem to have more rights than them these days.

Did you know that 1 of their key rights is not to reveal they have HIV/AIDS if they don't want to?
Which means if you are said prison officer who finds a prisoner who has slit their wrists or neck and you try to save them you could be unwittingly infecting yourself with AIDS.

I dont know about whether a prisoner is obliged to tell the prison guards on an individual basis, but any prison receiving a prisoner does so with a full copy of their IMR (Inmate Medical Records) and that will detail whether they have any infections/Viruses (HIV, Hepatitis etc...) so that point is null and void really........
softlad said:
tweetstreet said:
for those who say prison isn't a holiday camp i suggest you speak to a prison officer first.

Prisoners seem to have more rights than them these days.

Did you know that 1 of their key rights is not to reveal they have HIV/AIDS if they don't want to?
Which means if you are said prison officer who finds a prisoner who has slit their wrists or neck and you try to save them you could be unwittingly infecting yourself with AIDS.

I dont know about whether a prisoner is obliged to tell the prison guards on an individual basis, but any prison receiving a prisoner does so with a full copy of their IMR (Inmate Medical Records) and that will detail whether they have any infections/Viruses (HIV, Hepatitis etc...) so that point is null and void really........

because every police officer can memorise every prisoner's IMR and consult it before deciding to help a bleeding prisoner?
JoeMercer'sWay said:
softlad said:
I dont know about whether a prisoner is obliged to tell the prison guards on an individual basis, but any prison receiving a prisoner does so with a full copy of their IMR (Inmate Medical Records) and that will detail whether they have any infections/Viruses (HIV, Hepatitis etc...) so that point is null and void really........

because every police officer can memorise every prisoner's IMR and consult it before deciding to help a bleeding prisoner?

Of course not, but they identify who does and does not have a potentially lethal/fatal illness, and take adequate measures to make sure those individuals are easily identifiable........

I have seen literally hundreds of IMRs and can safely say you could count these number of cases on one hand.....
Rammy Blue said:
tasker said:
he has been released on bail. sky news now

Can't have much in the way of evidence then.


And any evidence on the flat itself can be explained by the fact he was her landlord.
I'm also sure that the vehicle hasn't yielded anything either.

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