Neville at it again

One of the biggest hypocrites in football. Can't stand the thought of listening to the idiot on Sky weekly.
I was in the Gold Bar in Club Wembley having a quiet pint when the obnoxious toad walked in. Almost spoilt my whole day.

I could quite easily have twatted him but would have been thrown out and missed the day. I guess I should have waited for him to fall asleep on the train!
Mental_blue said:
I was in the Gold Bar in Club Wembley having a quiet pint when the obnoxious toad walked in. Almost spoilt my whole day.

I could quite easily have twatted him but would have been thrown out and missed the day. I guess I should have waited for him to fall asleep on the train!

even the reds fucking hate him , he's like the kid at school that thinks he's popular , but he's just an arrogant prick. i honestly don't know ANYBODY blue or red or any other colour that has a good word for him.
if it had been him to swear at the camera instead of rooney i bet he wouldn't have got a ban , because no-one in their right mind would ever consider him a role model.even children take the piss out of him.

i remember him saying in an interview once that he had "never lost to city and never would out of respect for the gaffer".the next day he fed the goat.

a idiot of the highest order.


even his "assist" on that most beautiful final derby at main road can't reverse that.
u2fme2 said:
some one needs to tie him to a chair and have a little word
in his ear

F*ckwits like this generally have a habit of only opening their mouths to change feet at the most inoportune moments.
If none of us can catch him on camera before he starts it'll only be a matter of time until he fuxup in public :D

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