Pitch invasions

Absolute buffoons the lot of them. Loads of tourists taking selfies and kids sliding repeatedly like little demons possessed, but the worst of all what that Frank Gallagher type idiot in his mid 40's goading the stewards near the south stand. A cockwomble of the lowest order.
The steward nearly flattened him, he was right to take umbrage as he was only trying to get his mate off the pitch
Sad cunts on here, just pure emotion and enjoying the moment. If you’re arsed about a pitch invasion shows how much of an absolute corpse of a human you must be!

Shows we still remember where we came from for me! A bit of fun ffs!
People had been repeatedly told not to do it but the idiots still did it.
Total wankers especially the fat twat at the south stand in the hooped blue and flower pot hat and white T Shirt who just wouldn’t fuck his fat arse off when asked many times.
If it wasn’t for the minimum wage stewards, the feral twats would have also had the goal posts destroyed again. Absolute selfish attention seeking bellends
Lot of miserable bastards here. The moaning is probably the most noise some have made all day. Most of those on second and third tier would be on it aswell if they physically could. It delayed the presentation by all of 10 minutes, so what? Were people just annoyed at having to stay until the final whistle? City should have done the title lift at halftime so they could fuck off before full time as usual.

I'm at the front of the south stand. I was prepared not to go on and didnt intend on it, I was swamped by a crowd inching forward for 20 minutes before the end, couldn't so much as scratch my arse by the final whistle. Stewards did fuck all to usher them back, they had no intention of holding a barrier to deter and you can see from their formation they fully expected the crowd on the pitch, the requests from the PA were simply them doing their legal requirement.

and yes i went on, I refrained from going on for a good minute or so whilst everybody piled past me then I took my nephew on for a quick photo around the penalty area and come back to my seat within 2 minutes.
Some miserable fuckers on here mate, embarrassing...
I was looking forward the presentation but the minute I saw the morons invading the pitch I decided to go home.

The good news is that I beat all the traffic and was home in half the time it normally takes and saw the presentation on tv.

Just before I left I saw some middle aged, bald, fat guy climb over the advertising hoarding then lift his son, aged probably seven or eight, over them so they could pose for selfies on the pitch. I despair.
Hopefully you can fuck off completely next season.
Agree 100% selfish look at me crowd. Let’s hope we don’t get further punishment from premier league (fines/ points deduction) and no players were injured. The majority of fans think you are dicks in this circumstance, it wasn’t driven by emotion rather than being a show off look at me clown. My two year old certainly thought you were a bunch of childish brain dead morons and none of us were thankful for the extra 30 minutes waiting for you clown to vacate the pitch
Mr fun at parties !!

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