Restaurants With Menus and Ordering by QR Code

The only time I've ever used QR code ordering was when I managed to blag into the Virgin Lounge at Heathrow. A quick scan of the phone, and 2 minutes later someone brings a large G&T to your table...
I agree in principle but I’m a big fan of self check outs.

I don’t like the inevitable idle conversation with the checkout staff and inevitable feeling that my shopping basket full of crisps is being judged, haha.
Think thats more an issue with you.

For various reasons i had to purchase a large cucumber and a tub of vaseline last week. So what ;)
It has a time and a place. I love it at our local tap house as I can get instant service and find out a bit about the beers,and when you go to one of these new trendy food court types it enables you to order from different vendors easily.

But it does also restrict choice, if it's not a pre set option then good luck, and you're right it's quite a cold way to do business. Still, sometimes that is fine and a lot of people nowadays are very self absorbed so don't want the interaction anyways. Rather be on their phone or YouTube and act like it's rude to disturb them.
People seem hell bent on complicating something which really doesn't need complicating, it seems as if they do to keep up with the everyone else. The goal posts then get moved and off we go again. I think they call it ' progress '
Someone mentioned self service check outs.....hate them with a passion and there is always one person supervising / wandering aimlessly about 4 - 8 tills anyway, why not put him on the bloody till in the first place, it just doesn't seem cost efficient...
I like them. Then again I’m a miserable sod. It’s bad enough having to sit and make conversation with the family, let alone with a stranger taking my order.
This week I have had the unfortunate experience of going to two restaurants that use the QR code menu/ordering. Whilst I fully understand why, in a tourist location where English is not many peoples first language it is helpful. But what an impersonal way of treating your guests, or should I say punters.
The wait staff now no longer converse with you, you have to download a QR code reader then scan the code and join their membership (awaits a flood or emails about food promotions).
With not having my glasses it was difficult to see exactly what was on the menu and what I ordered. Eventually something arrived at the table, fortunately very close to what we ordered.
What a soulless experience, no one welcomes you, no one asks what they can get for you, no one is available to discuss your food and to request changes to the food on the plate (change of potatoes to salad for example) if it is not on the e-menu you cannot have it.
As for tipping the wait staff? What for? Did you talk to me? Did you ask what you can get for me? You didn't even acknowledge me. Forget the tip!!
What a ridiculous place. I expect they think they are cool. They wouldn’t get my custom, as I don’t carry a mobile, because I can’t hear them. It is getting very hard now to do certain things unless you have such as device. That actually breaks the law, (disability rights) but nobody seems to care.

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