#SOO Save Our Olé Season III.....Ole, The Trilogy.....We've Failed.....Thank You Ole.

What's not helping him is how obsequious he is towards Slur Alex.

His constant reference to "when I played for sir Alex I ran around, worked hard and gave my all" will be annoying the fuck out of his players.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the players are starting to think" yes. That's because Ferguson was actually a good manager, you're shite and you keep banging on about the past".
Isn't wee Davey still on the payroll. Can't they just extend his contract.

I miss the Save our Dave thread . what chance a repeat?
That was a great season. City playing sexy football under Pellegrini and, at the same time, "The Chosen One" running the vermin into the ground. And the cherry on the top? "We aspire to be like City".
I raise you Frank Clark
Slightly off topic but Forest had won the sky 6 a-side thing a couple of years on the bounce then Frank Clarke turned upto manage them lost all 3 group games, airways remember him being interviewed....said he couldn't put his finger on why they were so bad.

Fucking idiot.
That was a great season. City playing sexy football under Pellegrini and, at the same time, "The Chosen One" running the vermin into the ground. And the cherry on the top? "We aspire to be like City".
With their worsening position Solksjaer will proclaiming that they aspire to be like Hull........

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