What got you supporting City?

Notinmylifetime said:
Dad hated the rags but only went to the odd City game. Auntie & Uncle big blues so took me to my first game age 5 in 1967. Platt Lane benches with a few away fans dotted about. Collected tokens from the program to stick on your voucher sheet ( still got mine....full of vouchers from 67/68 ). Season ticket since 68/69. Went to games with two Aunties, two Uncles and Grandad ( 92 bus then the 53 bus ). First away was Huddersfield in 68/69....I remember a blue throwing his crutches onto the pitch at Huddersfield 68/69 protesting at a poor refereeing decision against the blues ( so whats new! ).
Went to loads and loads of aways with my two brothers in the 80's. West Brom inflatable fight still the most memorable. Literally risked your life at many away games in those days at Scouseland, the Swamp, Leeds and the North East. Got two sons and took them both before they could walk. They're 15 and 17 now and we have had our rewards these last two seasons....especially the 6.1 and Newcastle away days. QPR home still a blur...lit a fag in my seat at 90 mins and shouted to a steward to try and throw me out. We equalised and me and the steward in a stand off till Sergio scored! I could go on and on ( just realised I have! ). So 4 generations of big blues. Wouldn't swap a minute ( even the bad times....masochistic or what! ) and now "drinking it in". Thanks Auntie & Uncle. Thanks City. Thanks fellow blues for making the roller coaster ride enjoyable. CTID.
And thank you blue for posting that.
21MCFC21 said:
Well back in 2010 my TV provider finally started carrying fox soccer which always premier league games. At that time i was never exposed to any international football except for the World Cup. The first thing I saw was City vs Blackpool and in an instant i was hypnotized by Silva's play and how the whole team worked. Before I knew it i was obsessed with how incredible the fans were and how being an American i couldn't compare it to anything else going on over here. Now if some want to call me a "Fake fan" or "Glory hunter" they can, but i was 15 at the time and had no idea who any other team was as well. All i know is im CTID, and I will never stop supporting this team or take back the manly tears i shed on 5/13/12 at 93:20.

Fuck that kid you're in for the journey now.. read my bobbins reason, me dad's mate had two fit daughters who had season tickets... I was blue from that daft day on.
16 years ago Mom went back to England for her Mom's 90th B-Day. Asked me what I wanted brought back. Instead if usual "smarties' crunchy or flake"' I asked for a "soccer" jersey. My cousin gave me the one off his back. He had spent the night in jail in it and it gas a cigarette burn in the shoulder from the fight he was in with an opposing supporter. Loved the shirt didn't know shit about City. Fast forward to 8 years ago. New neighbor from Scotland sees me in my shirt and asks why I am city supporter. Explain how I got shirt. Start watching EPL and fell in love with a mid\low table team. Reminded me of my Texas Rangers / Vancouver Canucks. Shit teams that couldn't win fuck all. Been following them since. I give my rag friends shit for being plastics, haha.
My Dad, used to take me and sit me on the Kippax wall at the front, junior blues membership the lot.

Never looked back and never regretted it even when we were uber shit (well maybe the odd time, Stockport county away when I think it was Kit Symon's got nutmegged by Brett Angell was a particular low point)

I think though going through all that makes our success now so much sweeter

Cheers Dad, hope you're looking down watching all this with your heroes Doyle and Young
never interested in football at all
loved Oasis and heard Gallagher brothers support City
watched the game(guess it was city v everton?) and now am crazy for City!

All my family are united fans bar my dad and grandad. Indeed up until I was about 5 years old, I supported United as well. The turning point came after a particularly heavy city defeat/united win whereby my uncle came round to the house and ripped into my dad. He give him both barrels and I took it all rather personally. Such was my offence, I went upstairs got all my united stuff off the walls/out of the wardrobe, carried it downstairs, dropped it in a pile in the middle of the living room and tearfully told a startled a audience that I was now a city fan. Good lad said my dad, now get back upstairs. I was crying then had been crying ever since up until about 2011. Wouldn't have it any other way. Ctid.
My Dad, I never had a choice! Thankfully I did support City instead of my home town of Watford.
went see oasis at Maine rd 95.brilliant gig n atmosphere so went to a game.hooked instantly

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