Why they really call Mario 'Super'

Vienna_70 said:
I am really impressed with this young man.

It had me in tears reading that.
It had you in tears? Honestly? ... Christ!
danburge82 said:
Vienna_70 said:
I am really impressed with this young man.

It had me in tears reading that.
It had you in tears? Honestly? ... Christ!

brought a tear to my eye to.in particular the pic with the lad in a wheel-chair who is so physically disabled he is not able to lift his head for a face shot in the photo-this is the lad who worships mario more than any other-just to see the joy our player has created ,by giving up some of his free time to keep a promise he made-when most other players are on the beach..

these are children who don,t fit into society-parents have dis-owned them for whatever reason-what a great gesture by mario to bring a bit of sunshine into their lives.

there have been many vists by footballers to hospitals and the like-1st time ive seen a player go to an orphange and highlight the plight of those abandoned by their parents..

yeah,it brought tear to my eye too.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Oh my god he is like a saint. The fact that he shuns publicity for it shows that he truly means it unlike some other footballer with the initials D and B

Whoever can you mean?

EddieR said:
I read a piece about him getting into a scrape in some undesirable area of some Italian City, although the true story was that he was visiting a home or a soup kitchen, or some such, maybe someone can enlighten me. 'Footballer is Good Guy' doesn't sell papers though, does it?
Yea I published an article about Balotelli telling the real story, pretty sure he asked to be taken on a tour of this poor neighbourhood so he could talk with the kids and play footie.
He visited my mates dad who was critically ill in St Ann's Hospital along with Viera before the F.A Cup final, my mates dad said it made his day and really did put a smile on his face, it was in the Stockport Express wouldn't see it anywhere in the national papers though, whats the point? People would rather read about him being a crime lord for the mafia and other bullshit.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
bigquinn772 said:

Some people are so gullible......It's called PR and thankfully our club are getting better at it as this sentimental crock of shit proves.

What the hell is your problem?

All clubs should do more of this sort of thing.

And Mario did this off his own bat.

According to the article, the club had to almost beg for some pics, as Balo didn't want any publicity.
Vienna_70 said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
bigquinn772 said:

Some people are so gullible......It's called PR and thankfully our club are getting better at it as this sentimental crock of shit proves.

What the hell is your problem?

All clubs should do more of this sort of thing.

And Mario did this off his own bat.

According to the article, the club had to almost beg for some pics, as Balo didn't want any publicity.

Again, don't be so naive......
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Vienna_70 said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Some people are so gullible......It's called PR and thankfully our club are getting better at it as this sentimental crock of shit proves.

What the hell is your problem?

All clubs should do more of this sort of thing.

And Mario did this off his own bat.

According to the article, the club had to almost beg for some pics, as Balo didn't want any publicity.

Again, don't be so naive......
so cynical, did someone steal your lollipop?

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