You Have 100 Hate Points

Rags (club and supporters) -- 30
Rag sense of entitlement -- 30
Candlelighter supporters -- 25 and likely to subsume all other categories at current rate of growth
Candlelighter club -- 10
Arsenal -- 2 (fallen dramatically since Wenger departed)
Duncan Castles -- 3
Had my car serviced last week and the service guy is a Dipper. He had the temerity to tell me that Raheem was gonna win an Olympic medal off the high board. Not just a gold medal ahead of El Pharaoh but the implication that he would manage a clean sweep of all three medals. I award Dipper fans my full allocation of 100 and with added VAR, sorry, VAT, a total of 250.

Nicely done.
I’m too nice a person to hate anybody. Except those fucking rag and dipper c***s. 50 each.
Had my car serviced last week and the service guy is a Dipper. He had the temerity to tell me that Raheem was gonna win an Olympic medal off the high board. Not just a gold medal ahead of El Pharaoh but the implication that he would manage a clean sweep of all three medals. I award Dipper fans my full allocation of 100 and with added VAR, sorry, VAT, a total of 250.

That's a hell of a V.A.T. rate, but yeah they deserve what they get.

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