Your emotions/actions/whereabouts from 1-2 to 3-2

Watched at a mate's house.

When crazy for first goal thinking game over, then at half time calmed down knowing it wasnt. 1-1 was pissed off still thought no probs. Could see mackie's goal coming the moment they got down the wing. Watching the away fans jumping up and down brought back many memories of old City.
In despair and when Dzeko scored I looked down at the floor shaking my head. Never not cheered a City goal, even watching at Wembley in 99 Horlocks goal.

Stood up watching that last attack, BOOM. I went absolutely nuts and spent 2 mins bouncing up and down shouting YES, Fooking YES. Jumped in my mates arms and looked up towards where my dad now resides. Went pub got pissed with match going locals dancing and hugging.
Sat in South Stand, after 2-1, I despaired for a while and then shouting "we can still do this" to everyone.

Always optimistic.

At 2-2, I went mad.

At 3-2 I emotionally and physically erupted and ran on the pitch shouting and crying.

The rest is history.
BlueCalifornia said:
"City's cocked it up again. Must not cry, women are watching, they like crying but not for a sport, only manly tears for when your dad dies or something. Don't do it, you'll never get laid again."

"Wait, wait, wait, what? The boys might do it. They might do it. MUST NOT GET HOPES UP. Don't do it, just don't."


Final 3-2
Love it, not as much as city though, haha I think my wife wants to divorce me as she realises I love something more than her. CTID
At 2-1 I was getting more and more distraught by the minute and the belief in me was slowly deteriorating, in my mind I just kept thinking of 99 and thinking can lightning really strike twice? I was close to tears in sheer disappointment and then suddenly it's 2-2 an then I just knew we would win it. When Sergio scored I just cannot describe how I felt it was the greatest thing I have ever felt.
Just remember sitting in the south stand, head in hands. Humiliated, another trophy for the scum, us throwing it all away when it looked virtually impossible to do so. I was dispondant, motionless, i knew we had blown it. I could foresee a holiday to portugal being shite, the summer from hell, not ever would I be able to forget this, losing to qpr at home to bottle the title. We would be mocked for years to come. Even when dzeko scored I was motionless. But when aguero smashed the ball home, when I saw that ball hit the bet in the distance I went apeshit, absolutely mental, this was a feeling no drug in the world would produce. Sheer euphoria. Shock, that was it. It was a shock that we won from where we were. We were expected to bulldoze them. Everyone was just over overcome with elation and emotion. It was beautiful. I thought we had blown it, to then win it. Unbefuckinglievable. Tears welled up in my eyes, I just couldn't help it.

Won't ever forget that day
had a strange feeling i was not going to enjoy the game, boy was i right. i watched it in a mates gaff as i knew i`d be on a knife s edge(not to be freaking out and swearing in public ).a lot of media hype saying this should be a formality.

was so happy for zaba.... felt he was the guy to seal it for us.... he cemented his legendary status at our club. i was delighted!

at one nil i wasn t satisfied and knew QPR had a goal in them. i was looking at mackie and Traore (when he came on)thinking they are going to do something. serious nerves took a hold of me.....i watched the second half behind my hands (wearing them like a mask).

at 1-2 i couldn t believe my eyes as typical city rang in my ears..... time ticked away as it slipped from our hands. chokers chokers everything was for nothing and those ******* were going to be crowned the worst champions ever. despair!

that beaten feeling ,all our hard work would be thrown back in our faces and joked about with more years of taunts.i wanted dzeko on and tevez off.

2-2 i jumped and went mad for about 40 seconds......poised and unable to blink. about ten cardiac arrests and counting...... ah man this makes me feel worse if it ends like this- we fell with our noses on the finishing line! how sick!

balo picks up the ball feeds the pass i wanted, kun takes a touch (my hearts skips 50 beats- i could hardly breathe).... i was numb as it went in. i waited and waited because i felt for some stupid reason the goal would be disallowed or something. i cant remember everything as it was a roller coaster of emotions.most likely looked like i was having a fit - i`d say.

best day of my life...still pinching myself three days later.

god is great!

2-1 Really...........10 men ??Hoping sunderland would score and that city would get a goal back right after qpr's goal.I remember my brother saying when just befor qpr scored their second "look at the guy on the back post" and then the ball got threw in and he scored.
Then about the 89th min I just started saying to myself just accept the loss now so the disappointment isnt as bad.

2-2 Yas.Then my hope had been restored but still thinking it might have been to late.

3-2 AgueROOOOOOOOOOOOO.Fists pumped into the air along with hearing my sister and brother reacting aswell.My sister got up and walked behind the couch with her hands in her head and tears in her eyes.I was in complete shock of wot had happened and after Aguero scored I was hoping we could run the time down as much as we could in hope qpr wouldnt try and score another.......and lets face it with the way the match was going anything could have happened,just glad qpr didnt go on the attack.
Funny thing is the lord of the rags tried usin mind tactics to get hughes to send his team out highly motivated and in the end when we scored twice they just handed the ball back to us......u really couldnt make it up.
Whenever I feel in such a happy mood again im going to call it my Aguero moment :D
Watched in Colin Bell stand as usual
At 2-1 I had tears in my eyes and I was distraught I placed my head in my hands as I
thought we had thrown it away
At 2-2 I still thought it was over and I didn't celebrate like I usually would
At 3-2 I leapt out of my seat and I just started screaming "Agueroooooooooooo" I then attempted to lift the man who sits next to me whilst still jumping up and down and screaming Aguerooo

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