Nuclear war - has it started?

What I don't understand is why "certain" countries are allowed nuclear weapons but no one else is. I understand they say it's there as a deterrent, but surely other countries would like that same safety net too? It's just hypocritical saying yeah we're allowed them but if you try we're gonna come bomb the living daylights out of you.

I wish a day came where each country with dis arm their nuclear warheads, it's an evil weapon developed by an evil fucker. Sadly, all I can see is a World War III scenario coming up very soon.
What I don't understand is why "certain" countries are allowed nuclear weapons but no one else is. I understand they say it's there as a deterrent, but surely other countries would like that same safety net too? It's just hypocritical saying yeah we're allowed them but if you try we're gonna come bomb the living daylights out of you.

I wish a day came where each country with dis arm their nuclear warheads, it's an evil weapon developed by an evil fucker. Sadly, all I can see is a World War III scenario coming up very soon.
Only the goodies are allowed. NK are baddies.
What I don't understand is why "certain" countries are allowed nuclear weapons but no one else is. I understand they say it's there as a deterrent, but surely other countries would like that same safety net too? It's just hypocritical saying yeah we're allowed them but if you try we're gonna come bomb the living daylights out of you.

I wish a day came where each country with dis arm their nuclear warheads, it's an evil weapon developed by an evil fucker. Sadly, all I can see is a World War III scenario coming up very soon.
Certain countries already have them and can't be made to get rid of them.
What I don't understand is why "certain" countries are allowed nuclear weapons but no one else is. I understand they say it's there as a deterrent, but surely other countries would like that same safety net too? It's just hypocritical saying yeah we're allowed them but if you try we're gonna come bomb the living daylights out of you.

I wish a day came where each country with dis arm their nuclear warheads, it's an evil weapon developed by an evil fucker. Sadly, all I can see is a World War III scenario coming up very soon.

Got to agree with you in the main. Nuclear weapons are a dangerous thing and you have to think that at some point their existence may well come back to bite humanity in a big way.

However they have been solely responsible for any major global conflict breaking out since both Russia and the US got them. Without them it is almost certain that the Soviet Union would have had a crack at coming through the rest of Europe at the end of WW2 or in the decade following.

I dont see any real danger of a world war and nuclear apocalypse anytime soon, in the main due to the hypocrisy you rightly flag up. The big nuclear players still know that mutually assured destruction is as much a reality today as it was in the cold war. Russia is'nt communist anymore and Putin and his mates like money and living the high life. They are not suicidal. Same can be said of China and their leaders. I dont think Trump wants to peg it yet either.

The use of nuclear weapons by less stable countries on a smaller or regional scale becomes more of a possibility when these things find their way into the inventories of the likes of N Korea and Iran (that one is far from solved).

Its a strange world.
Not sure why you have posted all that about Chernobyl, it backs up my point.

Someone hitting France with a nuke wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as Chernobyl.
I see what you're saying now - the level of nuclear material isn't on the same level. What it seems I wanted to say it's a lot closer. If someone bombed Normandy I imagine Britain would feel it.

I suppose they do test nuclear bombs in the Nevada desert or the like and radiation hasn't been reported as widespread as Chernobyl. Americans are a bit weird though so maybe the impact of those tests is bigger than we thought ;)
Not too worried about the North Korean situation, by all accounts even if they have a functional warhead, they're years away from having a working launch system.

???? they been launching short range missiles for years that can strike South korea (250,000 USA troops and civilians) Guam (American Territory) Okinawa (again massive American contingency of 19,000 plus family members) then theres Japan ,,,,,
???? they been launching short range missiles for years that can strike South korea (250,000 USA troops and civilians) Guam (American Territory) Okinawa (again massive American contingency of 19,000 plus family members) then theres Japan ,,,,,
So it'll be a regional conflict then?
I see what you're saying now - the level of nuclear material isn't on the same level. What it seems I wanted to say it's a lot closer. If someone bombed Normandy I imagine Britain would feel it.

I suppose they do test nuclear bombs in the Nevada desert or the like and radiation hasn't been reported as widespread as Chernobyl.
Yeah or Hiroshima. People continued to live there straight after the war whereas Chernobyl is a no go zone still.
Yeah or Hiroshima. People continued to live there straight after the war whereas Chernobyl is a no go zone still.
Aye but I think Fatman and Little Boy are a fraction of the power in them today. There were a lot of deformities and other illnesses in Hiroshima/Nagasaki (if they're not fake pics).

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