Nuclear war - has it started?

Israel sent jet fighters into Iraq to destroy their nuclear programme a number of years ago.

No need for Nuclear option when the US can aim hundreds of cruise missiles at North Korea's sites and set them back years.

It will also ensure Iran doesn't benefit from the missile technology in the future.

Obama buried his head in the sand and this is where we're at.

Trump or not, it was always going to arrive to this point.

McMaster is calling the shots now, and that is no bad thing.

I hope the U.S. Don't use any nukes in response to any potential Korea nuke if they even have the capability. Russia, China will both be looking to see how the U.S. Deal with this.. If they see nukes they will be even more nervous of the U.S.
I hope the U.S. Don't use any nukes in response to any potential Korea nuke if they even have the capability. Russia, China will both be looking to see how the U.S. Deal with this.. If they see nukes they will be even more nervous of the U.S.

nukes are not really the problem as it stands today, if Trump decides to strike then NK can wipe out Seoul in an instant killing 10 million in the process, of course NK would then be wiped off the face of the earth in a tit for tat strike but it does not help the 10 million who have died, Trump has to tread very very careful with this one,its a case of watch this space
So it'll be a regional conflict then?

Nope .... North Korea will attack South Korea / Japan and American Bases....... USA will retaliate ......Agreements between North Korea / China / and Russia (they still trade with Russia ) will pull in those other powers (similar to the way the UK was brought into the second world war when Germany invaded Poland) it will then become global
Don't know mate.
Any solution has to involve China.
Maybe China could starve N.Korea of food and fuel supplies. The country might collapse. US could then move it's troops out of the peninsula (Times).
China is the key, but does anybody know how much NK relies on them? If they do withdraw fuel etc will the country collapse and the people rise up against Kim it's a dangerous game for the NK people, after all who wants to be denounced and you and your family are dragged off to be fed to Kim's pet dogs or blown to smitherenes by artillery shells like some of Kims relatives.
I wouldn't put it past Kim to threaten even China, he's a suicide jockey and doesn't give two shits about his own people either, Trump just needs to hang fire and let the Chinese try to sort it, if they don't and NK gets the capacity he should then go in before they fire one off at Washington
Nope .... North Korea will attack South Korea / Japan and American Bases....... USA will retaliate ......Agreements between North Korea / China / and Russia (they still trade with Russia ) will pull in those other powers (similar to the way the UK was brought into the second world war when Germany invaded Poland) it will then become global
Russia aren't allied with NK, if it played out as per above they'd probably just take the chance to strengthen their influence in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Wouldn't be so sure China would get involved either, they'd be risking everything they've worked for over the last 20 years.
Russia aren't allied with NK, if it played out as per above they'd probably just take the chance to strengthen their influence in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Wouldn't be so sure China would get involved either, they'd be risking everything they've worked for over the last 20 years.

^ is the correct reply IMO
Israel sent jet fighters into Iraq to destroy their nuclear programme a number of years ago.

No need for Nuclear option when the US can aim hundreds of cruise missiles at North Korea's sites and set them back years.

It will also ensure Iran doesn't benefit from the missile technology in the future.

Obama buried his head in the sand and this is where we're at.

Trump or not, it was always going to arrive to this point.

McMaster is calling the shots now, and that is no bad thing.

Easy to say that when you're thousands of miles away.

I doubt the South Korean's would share the same sentiment.
I don't think it is going to come to a full on nuclear war but it will possibly get a close as we have ever been before everyone backs down, far too much dick swinging going on and having some crazy ego driven knobs in charge don't help anyone.
I can see cruise missiles and MOAB being used on specific NK military targets if they test another nuke.

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