Explosion at MEN Arena/Victoria Station

Just spoken to my daughter, who's a paramedic normally working out of Salford and was on a few days break between shifts. I assumed she'd have been called in for a major incident like that but it seems most didn't wait and got out of bed and went in anyway. There was little they could do as virtually every unit was at the Arena but they spent a few hours doing what they could, cleaning ambulances and the like to give the on-shift crews a bit of a break. Most, if not all, who attended the scene had never experienced anything like that in their careers but had to go in and do what they could. Of course they've trained for this but nothing can replicate the real thing. They had to go through the bodies determining who was beyond help and who they could do something for. It wasn't pleasant as you can probably imagine. What an incredible group of people they are.

She's going back in tonight as well as they want to give the poor sods who attended a break if they need it. I'm sure that's got nothing to do with the huge pile of goodies that Tesco & Asda sent into the station!

Saw a clip earlier of ambulances at the hospital and you could see some mopping one of them out in the background, made me feel ill. Fair play to all who helped in whatever capacity.
Just spoken to my daughter, who's a paramedic normally working out of Salford and was on a few days break between shifts. I assumed she'd have been called in for a major incident like that but it seems most didn't wait and got out of bed and went in anyway. There was little they could do as virtually every unit was at the Arena but they spent a few hours doing what they could, cleaning ambulances and the like to give the on-shift crews a bit of a break. Most, if not all, who attended the scene had never experienced anything like that in their careers but had to go in and do what they could. Of course they've trained for this but nothing can replicate the real thing. They had to go through the bodies determining who was beyond help and who they could do something for. It wasn't pleasant as you can probably imagine. What an incredible group of people they are.

She's going back in tonight as well as they want to give the poor sods who attended a break if they need it. I'm sure that's got nothing to do with the huge pile of goodies that Tesco & Asda sent into the station!

Your reference Colin to the crews never experiencing anything like this reminds of when my cousin who was called up from the reserves to work in the ambulances in Bassra. and has not fully recovered. My cousin was called up from working in the Pension's Agency and had very limited healthcare training so I know it's not a great comparison.
Don't know who that is. What's the story mate?
He's that twat from erasure. He tweeted something along the lines of " why are we all crying about it when nobody cries for Syrians, and what did we expect the reaction would be when we commit genocide in the Middle East "
You know what, we really do live in a fucking amazing city don't we?

Not any more but Manchester will always be home and I am truly proud of the people of Manchester today; just so sad that the world get's to see how fantastic Mancunians (and their neighbours) are because of such a heinous crime being committed in the city.
He's that twat from erasure. He tweeted something along the lines of " why are we all crying about it when nobody cries for Syrians, and what did we expect the reaction would be when we commit genocide in the Middle East "
Isnt this **** appearing at the Etihad alongside Robbie Williams ???? Lets make it obvious we don't want him anywhere near our City.
My heart goes out to all those who have lost loved ones, or have been hurt, however, I am getting fed up with the passive reaction to what is an outright attack on our young and vulnerable how many more tears and vigils before something is done?
Shocked and totally disgusted by the actions of this very disturbed local man last night. Just listening to the media reports about the security services trying to establish whether he was working alone. I would suggest that in the modern world of connectivity and social media he was very well connected to extremism and was therefore definitely not working alone. I feel the only way to try and prevent this kind of thing happening again is censorship and control of the internet. Extremist sites should be closed down and people should not be able to access such extreme material, be it fanatical extreme views or even instructions on how to make explosives. Internet links with countries or regions with extremist control should be closed down. Personally I am not a fan of censorship but I see no other way of combatting the dissemination of such evil. Last night was a game changer for me. I'm not bothered about freedom of speech I would just like the terrorism to end. Is this even possible ?

Unpalatably I'm not sure if idealogical wars can be settled without diplomacy, even though the natural reaction is to bomb the fuck out of everyone. They live amongst us and dying is a victory for them. How do you fight that?

What does seem clear is that continuing with the same strategy that brought them into existence, in the belief they will be eliminated, is profoundly flawed.

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