Explosion at MEN Arena/Victoria Station

I don't know how we stop that.
We can't.

Some will say education is the key, but this ****, like the others, grew up in the U.K. Studied in the U.K. Had the same prospects as you or I. He wasn't fleeing bombing in Syria. He didn't lose his wife to a drone strike. His brain was poisoned by a bastardised version of a religion.
fellow on sky still waiting for his daughter to call him, he's resting hopes she maybe down a back alley in shock,,,how very sad indeed as we all know the outcome
That nob Andy bell has said sorry and everyone's sucking his arse saying they know he didn't mean it blah blah blah

His career should be over
fellow on sky still waiting for his daughter to call him, he's resting hopes she maybe down a back alley in shock,,,how very sad indeed as we all know the outcome

It was difficult even reading that about that poor man, never mind trying to imagine how he is living all our worst nightmare.

My thoughts go out to all involved,just can't stop thinking about all those kids frightened,running and screaming when that bomb went off and to the families of those who have lost their lives.how far are these scum going to go it's beyond belief,its time to get extremely tough with these these scum round them up and intern them,be it Manchester,Birmingham,London,Paris or Brussels etc get them off the streets now the security forces know who they are..
It's a take on Islam that should never be qualified as a religion because it doesn't represent it. Not in any way.

It's turned into an east vs western culture/religious belief debate when actually it's just a senseless group of people who represent nothing but their own stupidity.

I don't know how we stop that.

That radicalized way of thinking is what needs to be stopped.

Islam itself should be stopping it because it's not Islam
I didn't go to the Vigil as well, what's it going to achieve?
And I bet traffic is chaotic around town right now.

What is the answer?
I don't want to "throw em all out" as that would be unfair in the Muslims who are peaceful people and contribute positively to this planet.

But more and more it seems to be a solution according to these RWNJ's

I don't know who to go with.
They WANT to divide us... you're basically just waving the white flag.
Just like to show thanks to the fantastic job the emergency services do , police officers who run to danger when we run away from it , the doctors and nurses who give so much love and dedication , firemen and paramedics who face danger head on . Totally devastated , it's my City and boy do I fucking love it .
Just spoken to my daughter, who's a paramedic normally working out of Salford and was on a few days break between shifts. I assumed she'd have been called in for a major incident like that but it seems most didn't wait and got out of bed and went in anyway. There was little they could do as virtually every unit was at the Arena but they spent a few hours doing what they could, cleaning ambulances and the like to give the on-shift crews a bit of a break. Most, if not all, who attended the scene had never experienced anything like that in their careers but had to go in and do what they could. Of course they've trained for this but nothing can replicate the real thing. They had to go through the bodies determining who was beyond help and who they could do something for. It wasn't pleasant as you can probably imagine. What an incredible group of people they are.

She's going back in tonight as well as they want to give the poor sods who attended a break if they need it. I'm sure that's got nothing to do with the huge pile of goodies that Tesco & Asda sent into the station!
Would the church of england tolerate a way of thinking that justifies murdering people?

If it was some warped association of itself

It did over 400 years ago. Catholic against protestants, all against Jews and foreigners . Some countries are still stuck in this time warp, let's us not go back there.

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