
Not sure if her and Gove are liars or deluded? She says she knew nothing about targets even though she was copied into a memo with her deputies and special advisors about the targets they’d set and actually exceeded. She should be resigning not tweeting. I simply can’t believe she’s still there.
As for Gove and his Brexit comments saying we’ve become more immigrant friendly? LMHO!
Not sure if her and Gove are liars or deluded? She says she knew nothing about targets even though she was copied into a memo with her deputies and special advisors about the targets they’d set and actually exceeded. She should be resigning not tweeting. I simply can’t believe she’s still there.
As for Gove and his Brexit comments saying we’ve become more immigrant friendly? LMHO!

The other bit that doesn't ring true is if that memo was received but not sent to her to read then what has been going on all week? With a Home Sec apologising day after day surely someone should be going back over all the stuff and telling her after day one " actually there is this document " so she could get on the front foot and have an explanatory narrative that would be so much better than the bumbling we have witnessed ?

Maybe the big thing to learn and take away is that don't start your defence last week by bad mouthing your department as she did - I expect that from the moment she did that then for some civil servants their thoughts were " you're on your own now love. Lets see you get out of that. "
The other bit that doesn't ring true is if that memo was received but not sent to her to read then what has been going on all week? With a Home Sec apologising day after day surely someone should be going back over all the stuff and telling her after day one " actually there is this document " so she could get on the front foot and have an explanatory narrative that would be so much better than the bumbling we have witnessed ?

Maybe the big thing to learn and take away is that don't start your defence last week by bad mouthing your department as she did - I expect that from the moment she did that then for some civil servants their thoughts were " you're on your own now love. Lets see you get out of that. "
I just don’t believe as a leader of a department (and we are not talking about the stationary cupboard here) that you would not know about this. In my mind it comes from the top, from May.Rudd knew about it and probably drove it. Rudd has simply throught denying it would be enough. As you say slag of your department and they’ll stitch you up.

By producing a pamphlet and DVD explaining what to do if you're a deported migrant having to return to Jamaica after an absence of 30 years or more. Including a section on what to do if you get there and have no family or friends to meet you.

Thats her and her party's concept of fair and humane ... along with her boss' idea of deport first hear appeals afterwards.

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