Brian Cox

Its very simple. The sun heats the ground, not the air. And heat radiates out into space.

So the closer to the ground you are = more heat up and less lost to space = higher temperature

So higher up you go, you are further away from the heating effect of the ground and there's also more heat loss into space. Therefore lower temperature.

That wouldn't explain why it's cold on the top of a mountain though.

It's definitely the pressure which causes it to be colder.
There was another flat earther lerking on here about a year ago, named Spanish something or other. Surprised he's not popped up.

I’ve just been catching up on this thread and he was the first person to come into my head

Funny guy. I do like a good Flat-Earther
All this technical bumf is mildly interesting but I wish Hodge would come back. At least he says it as it is.
There was another flat earther lerking on here about a year ago, named Spanish something or other. Surprised he's not popped up.
Just had a look at this thread and the same thought crossed my mind. He was called Spanish Blue and he sounded very much like Hodge. Probably the same person.

Came to the conclusion he was either extremely stupid or a troll, either of which made dialogue with him pointless.
I have gone over the formuli submitted and have to confess it took me longer to absorb than planned.We normally go to Bury shopping on down days followed by an afternoon cream tea in Debenhams. They do late deals of flat white mocha espresso or cappuccinos accompanied with fresh cream cakes for £3.50 a head which quite frankly makes Asda's look sick.

I'm digressing so she went with the daughter whilst I made some headway.I am not too bad with pressure as I studied gas at dive school and a chap called Boyle was to be our eternal saviour as briefly touched on by MillionMilesAway. Most problems are explained with formuli and maybe when Hodge gets home he can supply a few of his own.Boyle law stated that the pressure of a given mass of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its volume at a constant temperature. PV = K eh.

I understand the mechanics of the geosincrynous orbits in order to keep those sat's in a fixed position above earth but the full formulas tendered for my kind perusal was way beyond my intellectual grasp. Intreresting reading though and thanks for sharing.
Have the powers that be taken Hodge out for getting to close to the truth?

We demand to be told.

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