City GIF Archive

Nearly every person in this gif is funny as fuck, it’s the greatest gif of all time!

Bottom left:
Look at how white the guy’s teeth are with the flat cap on haha
Krishnan Guru-Murthy is there with some shit shades on
The guy in shocking pink does some mad pose like he’s turned into a statue or been caught in the mouth by a fly fisher to his right before disappearing
Gary Neville is there in a light yellow polo
There’s a guy with dark hair who looks like he’s stuck to the floor
The City steward is smiling!

Top left:
The guy in the navy polo says “facking mmmmmwwwaaah!”
Fella in a grey shirt comes falling down the steps
Micky Flanagan is fucking proper ballooning with someone in a dark Arsenal away shirt shouting “you...fack!” behind him

The guy in the classic yellow Arsenal away shirt driving a bus
The crowd surfing coat
The guy getting buried under everyone whose face you can just about see, he’s proper struggling (and also looks like a mate of mine)
The guys in the purple and blue shirts just magically appear in shot from nowhere, it’s like they grow into the scene
The guy in black at the bottom looks like he’s trying to get past about ten people but doesn’t actually move anywhere
Guy with the dark hair pointing is fuming!

Top right:
Fella in the Arsenal home shirt is even more fuming “you facking arsehole”
Josh Widdecombe is there

Bottom right:
There’s someone with a shit bandana on
Someone with a fucking diamond earring in
The tall lad at the front kicking off then shits himself when the security man comes and puts his arms up
And the little fella in light pink who looks like he’s attached to a bungee rope and running against the tension but then disappears off as it flings him back

That gif is art!

Looking at his Barnet (see what I did there?), Micky Flanagan will be completely bald now. He probably looks back at this moment and thinks how great his hair used to be!
City: exists

The press:


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