Var debate 2019/20

The handball decision that went against us against Spurs? The ball that touched Laportes hand, and changed path to Jesus? The goal that according to the law was rightfully disallowed, since it has been stated that goals with handballs in the build-up is going to be chalked off to remove all doubt? The very same law, that I argued for that I didn't like, but anknowledged has been practitioned the whole season?

Yes I did say that I though Oliver saw it and contacted VAR. That might not have been the correct turn of events. VAR did check it though like they do every goal, even screamers from midfield. And the ball, unfortunately for us hit his hand. Or in your opinion it didn't?

I also got banned from that thread because my opinion was deemed trolling. But factual arguments, no matter how wrong or right they are, can't ever be called trolling. Trying to hound people off calling them liars without backing it up, that is very much trolling though.

So go on then, where did he lie? And can you prove it?
Oliver never saw it , lie number one , it’s still impossible to see wheather it touched Laportes hand , number 2 , inconclusive is the new word , you know like Van Dicks y’day , a clear handball yet deemed inconclusive. Laportes so called handball didn’t divert the ball to Jesus to score & he had to beat 2 men & slot it in the top corner to score , they wanted to find something to stop City winning and it set the whole tone for the season . Btw explain why Wolves goal was ruled out y’day ? The very next week after our Spurs rip off a Newcastle player handballed the ball to a teammate to score , so clear you could see it from space....result goal given , fuck off with your bollocks about all being treated equally
Now that is really interesting.

It states that the league have been reminded about only using it for obvious errors, so the question remains, why are they continuing to use it in a very general way through games to make decisions.....and who has told them to do it ??

They have been told TWICE to stop using it in this way, why are they continuing to ignore the instruction ?
Maybe because they can.
Their hierarchy along with FIFA and UEFA see themselves as independent of the law (cartel) let alone subject to lessons on how to interpret the rules of the game.
Riley is at the top because he serves those who put him there not because he is the best or fairest. His PL team of refs and var judges serve the same master.
You don’t just see thinks different to me you make stuff up , you lie to suit your pathetic defence of var compared with the old system , a system that by & large did a good job for 150 years .
Var was brought in by the premier league so they can have a hand in who wins & who doesn’t ......its killed the flow of the game & the celebration of goals is now stunted while we wait for a decision from some so called expert miles away , enjoy your ‘new ‘ football but there’ll be thousands like me who fuck it off, but you’ll be right won’t you.

The old system was terrible!! Corrupt to the core!!
honestly I don’t think so. I recall Liverpool scoring offside goals and winning penalty’s by diving far more last season - at the moment a lot is going to VAR with them and it showing majority of time that they are getting it marginally correct, it’s the fact that they seem to be getting these marginal calls in their favour that has caused uproar - yesterday that really wasn’t a handball by VVD, that wasn’t a handball by Lallana and by the law interpretations given it was a offside goal from Wolves. All 3 were the correct decisions but when they are against you it’s hard to swallow and it creates anger.

Would you say the handball by Trent Darby, the red card he subsequently avoided, the Egyptian Divers offside goal and the push in Sterlings back were marginal decisions in our game at Anfield ?

Of course you would as you have nailed your colours to the VAR mast and would look a bit of a tit to back down now..

Truth is there was nothing marginal about any of them but funnily enough all went for 1 team and against the other..

That's fair in your eyes is it as VAR is bedding in..?

I don't know why you are on here..

I can only assume that you are trying to get a rise out of City fans on here.?

All a bit sad really..!
The old system was terrible!! Corrupt to the core!!
The ref or linesman could be called out on their ‘mistakes’ , now the linemen are flagging one week not the next , refs just take no responsibility at all , handing the blame to var, remember var is just another ref , two tiers of cheating instead of one .
Oliver never saw it , lie number one , it’s still impossible to see wheather it touched Laportes hand , number 2 , inconclusive is the new word , you know like Van Dicks y’day , a clear handball yet deemed inconclusive. Laportes so called handball didn’t divert the ball to Jesus to score & he had to beat 2 men & slot it in the top corner to score , they wanted to find something to stop City winning and it set the whole tone for the season . Btw explain why Wolves goal was ruled out y’day ?
Explain why Wolves goal was ruled out????
For the exact same reason Sheffields goal was ruled out, for the exact same reason Norwich goal was ruled out. For the exact same reason Firmino's against Villa was ruled out, while being 1 down none the less, with us still in the race. VAR is used wrong, the laws as they are doesn't link well with the technology VAR possess. That doesn't mean its out to get us though.

Jesus beating 2 men to the ball and score is irrelevant. VAR looks for handball in the build-up, and the law says if its found the goal have to be ruled out. Again, the law is the wrong party here. Not VAR.

There has been angles for Van Djiks supposed handball, where it clearly shows the ball never touches his hand. It has been angles from the Laporte incident clearly showing the ball touches his hand. If you choose to ignore them that is up to you. But don't fucking say other people lie to suit their opinion then.
Maybe because they can.
Their hierarchy along with FIFA and UEFA see themselves as independent of the law (cartel) let alone subject to lessons on how to interpret the rules of the game.
Riley is at the top because he serves those who put him there not because he is the best or fairest. His PL team of refs and var judges serve the same master.

I’d like someone to name names....they get away with this type of thing too often. We should all know who’s instructions the VAR team are following.
Where did the Liverpool thread disappear?

Here's my reponse to a Liverpool fan pretending the be a City fan.

"I don't think you are a City fan, but I shall respond. Your answers are unconvincing.

You argue that "they were afftected by VAR as much as us". How? By listing several decisions against Liverpool most of which correct. Problem is there have been numerous favourable decisons for Liverpool and not one for City before last night. There is a clear discrepance between the favourable decisions for both clubs and your response doesn't explain it away at all.

You don't explain the Christmas fixture schedule, you don't make sense of itl. Why? Because you can't. It's in Liverpool's favour, no two ways about it. Instead you are trying to deflect the point by arguing that City had easier fixtures at the start of the season and easier fixtures in the cups. But this argument isn't convincing either. First, the cup draws and the fixture schedule in the league are supposed to be completely independent, it's not like PL has compensated City for the Christmas schedule with favourable draws in the league cup and the CL. It's not like the PL has decided City to have easier fixtures at the start and to compensate Liverpool with easier fixture schedule at Christmas. It doesn't work like that at all. Second, to have a number of consecutive league games against top 6 teams when the CL groups are decided (November and December) is not obviously beneficial. Third, last season City lost 3 games against average/poor teams and only one game against a top 6 team. The notion of easy and difficult fixtures does not quite apply when it comes to City.

Basically, you have no anaswer to why the PL has made it easy for Liverpool around Christmas and you have no response why City haven't had favourable decisions during the first half of the season. There is a clear tendency of helping Liverpool win their 1st PL title and not let City win several league titles in a row and damage the brand. I suppose next season they will help Man U or Chelsea or whoever seems capable of challenging for the title."
The ref or linesman could be called out on their ‘mistakes’ , now the linemen are flagging one week not the next , refs just take no responsibility at all , handing the blame to var, remember var is just another ref , two tiers of cheating instead of one .

no they couldn't. They got away with murder continuously!!

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