COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Not me

We have log fires, a motorhome with 26kg of gas to burn and two solar panels on the roof to replenish the batteries.
Bring it on..l

Ps cheers, you’ve just reminded me to get the gas refilled and buy some extra coal for the bbq
there have been a few good programs on Blaze about people who have prepared for all this shit,one guy even built an air tight bunker with an oxygen filter system and food for years without need of poping his head up
I think this could unravel quite precipitously in the next 7 to 14 days.
Not sure it's possible to be melodramatic but I note in Italy out of the people who have been infected and who have either recovered or died, 25% have died. If that is not scary, I don't know what is.
I'm basing this on numbers from the John Hopkins site.
Not sure it's possible to be melodramatic but I note in Italy out of the people who have been infected and who have either recovered or died, 25% have died. If that is not scary, I don't know what is.

Apparently Italy are only really testing people with a lot of the symptoms so this skews the figures abit. Luigi might only have a sniffle so won't get tested. That's all I am clinging onto!
why havnt the UK Government set up random testing say at motorway service stations this would have given them a better idea on percentage infected
why havnt the UK Government set up random testing say at motorway service stations this would have given them a better idea on percentage infected
There was a family on ITV earlier who had to wait 3 days for their results,taking temps is ok but it might be raised for many reasons
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