COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Individuals concerns

Jobs will have to be lost to save lives

Government to help page wages

Employers can get grsnt to kep jo bs,80% of wages paid by governmemt
More unprecedented measures - for workers. "First time in UK history - government to pay workers wages " CV Retention Scheme" offers unlimited grant for workers on payroll of 80% up to £2.5k per month - backdated to March 1st for 3 months. Deferring 30 billion of taxes.
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Hospitality and entertainment all forced to shut.

Employment coronavirus scheme looks great to be fair.

Economically we're fucked in the long term anyway, we just need to try and get to the long term.
does that mean we would get full wages if we got laid off,pardon my ignorance? ?

It means if you’re about to be laid off your company applies for money to pay you the majority (at least) of your wages.

First policy of this kind in the history of this country.
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