COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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We haven’t a clue how they are counting them to be honest and there was a tragic case today of a 21yo woman dying that hasn’t been counted today. Presumably she will be tomorrow.

I think we’ve got the outline of how the sad loss of lives will be counted. The doctors in ICUs will have made diagnoses to inform the treatment of very ill patients. Medical Examiners will confirm the cause of death. Tue reports of death will fed into a coordinator at area / regional level and aggregate information on the deceased with go to NHS England and the Department of Health to inform the PM’s briefings.

Not everyone will follow this pattern so sudden loss of lives might involve care homes working with GOs initially etc and the deaths might not be recorded on the exact day / time period like you said.

There may be more to it than this but that’s a rough approximation of the likely process.
Don't let the wool be pulled over your eyes. There is a reason that the BBC are not reporting in such a catastrophic manner. The situation is very bad, very, very bad. Just stay indoors at home, protect yourself and your loved ones. I'm not scaremongering, the totality of this situation is coming soon. The spike hasn't got started yet, we are in the calm before the storm. But if more people listen to advice we will see 1000's less deaths, if not, well, you will see for yourselves. Stay healthy Blues.

Are you serious? I'm not debating that this is very bad but the only thing the media are reporting on is scare stories and the worst case scenario. Clearly getting to scare people into complying which I understand, but to say they are sugarcoating it is ridiculous.
Can I add it’s great gestures to offer all these venues to put icu beds in but how are we going to staff them it’s not just a case of saying you come of fracture clinic and look after that patient on a ventilator, you have to be trained on these machines fit tested etc etc icu is manic at the moment
this is not a short fix, you can’t just put any nurse looking after a ventilated person it doesn’t work like that
worldometer number of new cases today in UK
Chucking numbers about just seems to be panicking people even more. Each one is a tragedy but as we know stats and figures get manufactured all the time to suit. Please everyone just take care and we will get through it without all going mad
Are you serious? I'm not debating that this is very bad but the only thing the media are reporting on is scare stories and the worst case scenario. Clearly getting to scare people into complying which I understand, but to say they are sugarcoating it is ridiculous.

I understand your perspective but some people are privy to more information than others. All I'm saying is stay indoors, keep yourself safe and healthy and with a lot of luck, we may be blessed with not losing as many lives. Regardless, deaths are going to be substantial. I hope and pray that it's not as many as is suspected, but that will need a huge amount of discipline and to be honest, equal measure of luck. This virus is not going anywhere soon.
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