COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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My hands are red raw and cracked to fuck after becoming an amphibian. Been looking after my mum for the last year or two (COPD on oxygen 16 hours a day) so I'm taking the cleaning to whole new levels whilst i work from home (Telecoms/IT anyone?). I feel like a prison warden dishing out orders...."Don't touch that, it ain't clean yet!", "Stop putting the bags on the table. I've just disinfected it".

She can't get out of the house and hasn't been able to walk more than 10 metres without having to stop for 10 minutes for a while. So the 12 weeks isolation she's got the letter about is ok as far as social distancing goes. But its heartbreaking to not let the grandkids in and my sisters are dropping off the shopping, but so hard to not be able to hug and thank them for helping.

Absolutely bricking it about me being the reason my Mum might catch it. Don't feel like I've got any option but to live in isolation for 12 weeks too.
No they were not!

The 200,000 deaths figure was based on the strategy the government was following to "flatten the curve". AND the 200,000 deaths figure assumed we have enough ICU capacity and yet stated we did not by a factor of 8.

That is why the government did such a whopper of a U-turn immediately. If we did nothing at all, then 50m people or more would get this and something like 1m would probably die from it with the NHS completely overloaded and hundreds of thousands dying because of no capacity to treat them.
You mean the government had a policy, listened to expert advice, then changed the policy? These latest projections are hugely encouraging, and if they come to pass will have been achieved thanks to the policies implemented by the government.
Edit. Should have also added thanks to the hard work and dedication of our health service front line workers, and the attitude of the great British public in following the guidelines.
You mean the government had a policy, listened to expert advice, then changed the policy? These latest projections are hugely encouraging, and if they come to pass will have been achieved thanks to the policies implemented by the government.
After reading your posts on here over last couple of years it's clear you would defend the government regardless of what measures they do or don't imement.
Tricky trying to read the newspaper for an hour or so though, isn't it.

I only mention it in case anyone thinks doing same would help. Everyone to their own.

newspaper. They are still printing and delivering newspapers. How the fuck is that essential or sensible ?

People can get news off the internet and the TV, do your bit and cancel your newspapers . Imagine the supply chain needed to get to you your hour of reading you could have just as easily got on your iPad.
I think this forum can cope with at least one person who posts in support of the government. There’s enough of you queuing up to give it a good kicking.
Personally I'm going to wait until there's evidence he made the right calls before I offer my gratitude and praise. Would love nothing more to do so down the line. As it stands I think we are way too early into this to call it one way or another.
I think this forum can cope with at least one person who posts in support of the government. There’s enough of you queuing up to give it a good kicking.

don’t worry mate, Boris could find a cure and vaccine in the next week and people will still criticise him for not finding it sooner.
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