CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

I would like to apologise and say thank you to the experts on here. I often questioned your thinking, mainly because i was so convinced we would lose, but your knowledge has been essential.

Congratulations everybody, I don’t think i can quite believe it!!

Look at the journos with the agenda still saying we are guilty!!!! Hahahahaha
A dose of salmonella over at the cafe, there all being sick because they got to get CL all by themselves, let's hope they mess it up big time. Get your finger Leicester,Chelsea,Wolves and Sheff U.
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Please no embarrassing dancing
I'm not satisfied ... YET!!!

MCFC 'To Do' List:

Sue 'Der Bogroll' into total oblivion.

Sue all "journalists" involved in the 'Der Bogroll' lies into personal bankruptcy.

Instigate a criminal investigation into the mafia figures at UEFA with the objective of JAIL TIME for offenders.

Sue UEFA for damages.

Commence libel charges against the worst of the UK media pack. Demand front page apologies from worst offenders.

Sue the 'Hateful Eight' letter signatories into personal bankruptcy.

Appeal the fine for failing to cooperate with the Mafia.

COME ON CITY!!!! You know it makes sense!

Now for a huge glass of Vimto!!!!!!!!!!!!

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