CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Have just sent this to the BBC :

As has come to be expected, BBC Sport continuously act as a propaganda mouthpiece for Liverpool FC and Manchester Utd FC. Today, the full CAS report on Manchester City FC’s case was released, the key takeaways being UEFA used doctored emails as evidence and evidence from before FFPR existed. The case proved City’s innocence at what was accused, that they disguised equity as sponsorship, the only thing City were guilty of was refusing to cooperate with a corrupt case by holding back evidence so they could use it in court. City have cleared their name but that didn’t stop the BBC Sport department using their main headline on the issue to focus on the lack of cooperation on City’s part. You decided to take the most negative sentence towards City in the whole thing, in dozens and dozens of pages, ignoring the most important factor of the case, to continue to push a narrative of guilt.

As a City fan, I don’t expect preferential treatment, we know we won’t get it, even up against a foreign organisation that has now proven to have conspired against a British organisation... but we do expect fairness, not reporting the one negative in dozens of pages of a report that has proven innocence as your headline.

Would your regular news channel run a headline of a defendant initially resisting arrest, when someone has been through 6 months worth of a murder trial, only to be found that they weren’t in the country when the murder took place? Or would you run the headline as the defendant being found innocent?

I don’t need an answer to that, I know it.

Why do I pay you TV license money to see such impartiality?

You should change the headline to “UEFA used doctored emails as evidence, proving City’s innocence”.

Will you though? Of course not.
Why are the British press/media not backing the country's most successful club in the last 8 years. A club that is run debt free, a club that invested millions into the local area.
Why are the British press/media backing UEFA an organisation that is rotten to the core, that used hacked and chopped emails to build their case.

Why are british press/media backing UEFA because both are the same a disgrace to their professions, both have a witch hunt on City , both run to appease the G14, liverpool and utd clubs and fans.
you’re wasting your time mate

it’s the club’s responsibility to bring these lying toads down - not a handful of the clubs supporters with no voice

It takes 60 seconds. A minute well spent in my book to voice my displeasure at something which so laughably oversteps the bounds of basic journalistic integrity. They're a public broadcaster and are ultimately accountable to the public and I hope as many people as possible complain to them about that joke of an article.
It’s the club who needs to grow a backbone

twitter , did you really say take them on on twitter ?
That is where the journo's are and where you can take them on directly,we win outright you immediately attack the club,i don't get it,we had to win the case before we could take on the press,we have the facts now and we didn't before not to mention the legl team were busy,if you care so much stick up for the club yourself
It takes 60 seconds. A minute well spent in my book to voice my displeasure at something which so laughably oversteps the bounds of basic journalistic integrity. They're a public broadcaster and are ultimately accountable to the public and I hope as many people as possible complain to them about that joke of an article.
Everybody apart from the club it seems
Curious as to what anyone with more knowledge in this area thinks of this? Harris just being his usual knobhead self I presume, but I don't know enough about sponsorship values to debate this!


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