Left-wing anarchist guilty of terror offences


Well-Known Member
16 Nov 2021
Team supported
Surprised nothing on this given the posters on here are very big and very quick on political extremism and terror but better late than never I suppose…

Silly little shit will grow up I suppose and one day, in the real world with kids/bills/mortgage to pay he will wake up.

Meanwhile I hope he enjoys his stay at his majesty’s pleasure.
To be fair probably not mentioned as it doesn't show up on any main news page as a headline banner or on the UK main pages of bbc, sky, itv.

Had to google the name after this post and found it tucked away on bbc merseyside news and also then links for other sites, add to that posted about 6pm last night, friday most people are doing stuff, so expect it would have been picked up today (as you have).

on the story, silly little **** would have probably blew himself up in his bedroom, he obviously has mental health issues and is a fantasist who thinks he was in an RPG (used discord to find like minded people) and a ultimately a prick, jail him, re-educate him and reintroduce to society at some point.
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Painting some broad strokes:

Western Left wing extremism (ie terrorism) was rife in the 70’s - Baader-Meinoff, Red Army Faction, etc, all loosely/strongly affiliated with anti-Israeli groups.
Iirc the ALF was also left wing.

The Oklahoma bombing seems to have been the initiator for the subsequent rise in western Right wing terrorism.

I can’t recall many western left wing terrorist incidents since the collapse of soviet Russia - though ill happily be better informed. Whereas I can recall many western right wing terrorist incidents since then.

Edit: I’m not religious in anyway, but it does seem that throughout my life that Jews have been targetted by the extremes of both Left & Right… it’s an odd thing, but then you realise that the straight line chart of extreme left wing through centrist to extreme right wing isn’t a straight line chart … it’s a circle.
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Surprised nothing on this given the posters on here are very big and very quick on political extremism and terror but better late than never I suppose…

Silly little shit will grow up I suppose and one day, in the real world with kids/bills/mortgage to pay he will wake up.

Meanwhile I hope he enjoys his stay at his majesty’s pleasure.
Perhaps they read beyond the opening paragraph. A "left-wing anarchist" with ideas more close to MAGA about big government.
Painting some broad strokes:

Western Left wing extremism (ie terrorism) was rife in the 70’s - Baader-Meinoff, Red Army Faction, etc, all loosely/strongly affiliated with anti-Israeli groups.
Iirc the ALF was also left wing.

The Oklahoma bombing seems to have been the initiator for the subsequent rise in western Right wing terrorism.

I can’t recall many western left wing terrorist incidents since the collapse of soviet Russia - though ill happily be better informed. Whereas I can recall many western right wing terrorist incidents since then.
Yeah most of it died out on Europe there are still some, Irish republicism, Turkish left wing groups, Greece but mainly these are small and bark more than bite.

ETA was probably the last one to exist and cause damage.
Surprised nothing on this given the posters on here are very big and very quick on political extremism and terror but better late than never I suppose…

Silly little shit will grow up I suppose and one day, in the real world with kids/bills/mortgage to pay he will wake up.

Meanwhile I hope he enjoys his stay at his majesty’s pleasure.

A left wing anarchist who included the White Resistance manual as part of his bedtime reading. A ’rebel’ looking for a cause. Any cause will do. He doesn’t seem the fussy type.

I‘m sure a jail sentence will sort him out. Spoiler: It won’t.
Surprised nothing on this given the posters on here are very big and very quick on political extremism and terror but better late than never I suppose…

Silly little shit will grow up I suppose and one day, in the real world with kids/bills/mortgage to pay he will wake up.

Meanwhile I hope he enjoys his stay at his majesty’s pleasure.
I suspect that a story about a far-left fantasist posting extremist views from his bedroom is a bit too close to the bone for a fair few people on here.

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