PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

We're stuck with that arbitration process. We can only hope that the KC's and whichever ex club auditor or financier or accountancy professional involved in the commission, have sufficient integrity and moral fibre to deal with the matter based on factual evidence and not the kangaroo Court of public opinion which has prevailed in social, tv and printed media since the charges were announced.

Anyone suspect it might be like the trial of the murder of Speckled Jim...?
Is leading KC called Melchett?
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We're stuck with that arbitration process. We can only hope that the KC's and whichever ex club auditor or financier or accountancy professional involved in the commission, have sufficient integrity and moral fibre to deal with the matter based on factual evidence and not the kangaroo Court of public opinion which has prevailed in social, tv and printed media since the charges were announced.

Anyone suspect it might be like the trial of the murder of Speckled Jim...?
Is leading KC is called Melchett?

So very wrong, IF this was to be a kangaroo court the PL would be destroyed
I wonder if the PL can name any equivalent body that has an arbitration system where:
1. The governing body get to pick a member but the other party does not.
2. The governing body’s pick gets to pick all the members of the panel.
3. There is no appeal except to itself or to a court only in the most narrow of circumstances.
Justice not seen to be done.
Quite amazing really.
A system clearly established in order to negate legality.
Which of course, fittingly, will ultimately be their undoing.
Khaldoon is a snooker player who has already worked out how he'll play the last black. Masters is fixated on and struggling with the first red.
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