Attacks in Paris

Those people exist, of course.

But not everyone who fails to see precisely in line with your particular views should be tarred as belonging to such a group of lunatics by default.

To do so is pathetic, and not conducive to any actual real constructive discussion between people with differing views.

It's the textbook dismissal of someone else's views via your own prejudices. Create a caricature out of your opposition, and dismiss them as a result.

Lazy, pathetic, cowardly.

Er...... it was a Kenny Everett skit...? Not my invention at all !!!!!!
It seems that Raqqa is getting a bombed this evening, the Russians have also been targeting it, I suspect that the decision has been made to more or less flatten it and make it uninhabitable for IS, I have no doubt in my mind that in a few months IS will be reduced to a just another Terrorist Group with no territory, all the strategic dominoes in Iraq and Syria are falling into place Mosul will be next

I hope so I really do, then it's down to the cyber war to eradicate them.
Why should "religious belief" be respected? Serious question.
I ask because I am really, really, tired of religious people asserting that their beliefs should be respected. It is perfectly possible to respect an individual, while thinking their Sunday habits are rather peculiar. "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
Associating "aggressive materialist culture" with atheism and only with atheism is a common defensive ploy of the religious and has no basis in fact.
I'm sorry but if you don't understand why it is important to respect other folk's sincere beliefs about what they consider important I don't know how a conversation can be had. Similarly if you uncritically parrot slogans, make meaningless generalisations and show no understanding of the development and impact of our secular society of which you are a part. Seriously, these are troubled times, have a rest friend.
It seems that Raqqa is getting a bombed this evening, the Russians have also been targeting it, I suspect that the decision has been made to more or less flatten it and make it uninhabitable for IS, I have no doubt in my mind that in a few months IS will be reduced to a just another Terrorist Group with no territory, all the strategic dominoes in Iraq and Syria are falling into place Mosul will be next

The inevitable civilian casualties will only play into their hands though.

The West have been largely careful and targeted in their bombing campaigns, Russia tends not to give a fuck. If the gloves have come off tonight then that could be a double edged sword.

IS are probably just as capable of moving their base of operations to another town in the territory under their control.

Time will tell I suppose.
I hope so I really do, then it's down to the cyber war to eradicate them.
I have always thought they have been rather over hyped, it takes a hell of a lot of logistics to hold on to that amount of territory, and whilst they have had access to captured weapons and ammunition this wont last forever whilst the opponents are getting armed to the teeth by the US and Russia, the collapse when does came will be very quick as it's fighters realise the game is up and will try to run because being captured would mean a rather horrible death especially if they are Foreign fighters who are treated with even more disdain, they will still be a dangerous group for a few years

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