Media Discussion - 2023/24

Just a man who didn't want us to win because of his club loyalties. I'm not at all hurt by it. Since when did people start caring again about rival English clubs doing well in Europe? I'd be perfectly fine if Richards/Lescott/Onuoha did the same if United conceded a goal. I can tell you one thing - if City go out of the CL then I sure as hell won't be cheering on Arsenal as this country's last representative.
I remember Richards doing it to Carragher once. Can't remember the game but it was a Liverpool defeat.
It seems to be a regular distraction tactic away from City, whenever Phil is being analysed :-
"Ask the pundits where Phil should play for England ?"
This immediately takes the topic away from Phil and City's performance in that particular game.
If City were beaten, this would not be mentioned at all.
Cannot understand why Saka's name was even mentioned ?
Was the female anchor person who brought up Saka, an Arsenal fan ?
Personally, I would play Phil for England as a #10, but this is a completely different conversation...
That’s what Ferdinand said has to play as a 10 with rice and Bellingham, and Saka rashford on wings,waistcoat won’t do it though he’s far to cautious and negative as tournaments progress ..
Just a man who didn't want us to win because of his club loyalties. I'm not at all hurt by it. Since when did people start caring again about rival English clubs doing well in Europe? I'd be perfectly fine if Richards/Lescott/Onuoha did the same if United conceded a goal. I can tell you one thing - if City go out of the CL then I sure as hell won't be cheering on Arsenal as this country's last representative.
Same as Shouty man asking if our achievements are lauded the same as United, Liverpool etc. They're only lauded by the supporters of the named club.
At least Murphy for once put him right,although after his recent Spitty defence has also zero credibility.
Take talkshite for what it is, two blokes supporting different teams in a taproom taking about football .
I caught the start of Jay’s righteous crusade on Talk Shite this morning, but had to abandon it due to a dental appointment. I’ll catch it when it becomes available. The thing that got me though was Danny Murphy and his “fans respect teams that do it organically” or words to that effect, when talking about why fans don’t respect City. Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved us to do it organically, but everyone knows that as you grow organically the big boys come and cherry pick your best players so you are always kept in your place In the pecking order. The shite were very fortunate to have the “F*cking class of f*cking 92”. If that had been us at that time, we would have had our pants pulled down and the best players in the team picked off one by one.
United and Liverpool never did it "organically' and neither did Blackburn.
They were all bankrolled with heaps of cash, just as we have been.
What a load of bollocks this is. I can guarantee that 99.99% of fans of any
club would have loved it if they had won the lottery with the sheikh like we did.
Danny Murphy must still be trying to pay off his tax bill.
His responses to you contradicted the premise of his article, he also posted a link to an article he wrote previously to defend himself. He always states football is broken but never states the period when it wasn't. If he'd bothered doing any research he'd know the predictability of the Champions League is the same as it was 30 years ago. It's only that a couple of new teams have taken the place of others.

Raising Rosenborg as an example was weird. As they contradict another article he posts a link to later, trying to defend his stance. In it he bemoans European leagues now being dominated by certain 'super' clubs, claiming it was never like this in the past (spoiler: it was, for all of them). Between 1992 and 2004 Rosenborg won the Norwegian title 13 times in a row. He bemoans Dundalk winning the League of Ireland title 5 times in the last six seasons, after the article, they haven't won it since.

Rosenborg beat Milan in 1996/97, that was the last time they reached the knock-out stage of the Champions League, which also happened to be the last season that only the champions of their leagues entered the competition. That isn't a coincidence.

He dances around the topic but never fully commits to holding certain clubs to account, the ones that demanded change from UEFA to get a bigger share of the money that started to come into the game. The clubs that would go to form the G14 (and expand it) and hold far too much power over European football.

The other laughable statement in the article was that Liverpool's domination in the 70s and 80s was organic and had nothing to do with money.

I haven't known a prominent journalist (outside of politics) to be so consistently wrong about their specialist topic.

It's pretty easy to pull on a string and watch some of these people unravel.

He refers people to previous articles/stances, as if those articles were correct the first time around!
I’m always amazed that blues have any interest in what Camelgob, Neville, Carragher or Richards, for that matter, has to say about our team. When the game ends the tv gets turned over.

Couldn’t agree more.

I never watch the build ups or after game reviews from the pundits.

Game goes on 1 min before kick off and straight off at FT.

Why the fuck would I want to hear what biased ex Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal players think about my team.

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