PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Watching the media in general, I feel there is a clear reduction in talk about our “allegations”. Instead, perhaps, they focus on safer issues such as the goalie’s big “mistake” or Haaland’s “annoyance” at being subbed.
Is it coincidence? Am i imagining it???
Or Bein going on about lack of atmosphere at Etihad and CL final, wtf?
Point me to the bit where he admits receiving a letter mate I must be missing it?
2:02 to about 2:30. He claims he hasn't but his chat partner takes the piss and states the actuality of it.
Classic misdirection to get round the keep quiet clause that was probably included in the letter.
Similarly, contrary to the Anti City loonies on the Web, time baring certainly exists in UK civil litigation.
And unless the PL could find us guilty of a criminal act (i.e. false accounting) everything before 2016ish goes away. (It depends when the PL investigation started it could be later than that).
Probably, the worst case for many of the older charges is we could be found guilty of the offence but not punished because of the time bar. But I hold that many of the older charges were there to put us in a bad light as a perennial lieing and cheating organisation.

If something is time barred, you can't be found guilty.

Edit: Sorry, @Chris in London beat me to it.
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Wolves fans making money hand signs yesterday. They’d fucking love it if their club had the investment our club has had, and the trophies or club has won. That goes for all the away fans who keep on making the money hand signs. Love it! :-)
How long did Jack Hayward prop them up for?
Disagree, they took years to bring these charges then just over 12 months later they admit they were wrong.

No doubt both parties will work together on a final resolution but it is looking like we will be the one dictating EVERY detail.

I think it’s quite easy. All they have to say is there has been so much innuendo & stories written about City & complaints from rival clubs that we felt we had to investigate. We understand that City felt that they had been unfairly targeted & had resolved any doubt at CAS but due to allegations made public in the foreign press we felt duty bound to investigate further. We made a decision to leave no stone unturned & investigated the club as far back as 2008 & can categorically say that Manchester City have provided irrefutable evidence to all 115 allegations.

We would like to apologise to Manchester City as they UEFA & the premier league have been the victims of unfounded allegations & reputational damage & huge costs.
I think it’s quite easy. All they have to say is there has been so much innuendo & stories written about City & complaints from rival clubs that we felt we had to investigate. We understand that City felt that they had been unfairly targeted & had resolved any doubt at CAS but due to allegations made public in the foreign press we felt duty bound to investigate further. We made a decision to leave no stone unturned & investigated the club as far back as 2008 & can categorically say that Manchester City have provided irrefutable evidence to all 115 allegations.

We would like to apologise to Manchester City as they UEFA & the premier league have been the victims of unfounded allegations & reputational damage & huge costs.
Be a Carlsberg response that
I think it’s quite easy. All they have to say is there has been so much innuendo & stories written about City & complaints from rival clubs that we felt we had to investigate. We understand that City felt that they had been unfairly targeted & had resolved any doubt at CAS but due to allegations made public in the foreign press we felt duty bound to investigate further. We made a decision to leave no stone unturned & investigated the club as far back as 2008 & can categorically say that Manchester City have provided irrefutable evidence to all 115 allegations.

We would like to apologise to Manchester City as they UEFA & the premier league have been the victims of unfounded allegations & reputational damage & huge costs.
FFS that would be a dream scenario, like winning the treble again!

If Carlsberg did investigation scenarios!!
You got to hit that electronic handbrake 115 times if it’s jumping. Nissan is a certified rag automobile. Lord pannick is the guy for this jojob.
I got an estimate from the KC at 2k per hour, the Nissan garage wants 3k an hour plus parts.
Time for Pannick to get his overalls on :)

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