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  1. N


    hhmmmm. Right.
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    Favourite Scottish team

    I hate boring, dreary, misserable Scottish football and wish it would dissolve into nothingness.
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    City treble

    Just no.
  4. N

    Hitting the ground running!

    Cup half full or half empty? Fuck me, have some faith. We're the ritchest club in the world. We have assembled arguebly the best squad we have ever had. We are still buying. United are knee deep in the shit. Arsene Wenger has lost the plot. We are taking players off our rivals like taking candy...
  5. N

    Is Mark Hughes the most boring?

    I love his calm and cool composure in interviews. Don't think it's boring. I just think he's got a good poker face and doesn't like to hint or give any of the press any more ammo to create bullshit stories.
  6. N

    The Value of Lescott

    I think he's worth 14m MAX. Why should he be valued considerably more than a prooven top class defender in Toure? Lescott's had one wonder season. The kids nearly 27. Why all of a sudden does everyone think he should be valued as one of the most expensive defenders in europe? It's not as though...
  7. N

    Best player at the club?

    Look, you're reading into it to much. And for your information I do post in the relevent forums. Just sick of people who think they've got more posts than someone else that gives them the right to basically bollock someone. Like it somehow makes them superior. Like I said, if you lot are that...
  8. N

    Best player at the club?

    Fuckin hell if it bothers you that much go and have a cry to some of the mods to get it moved for you. Sick of people with a thousand and odd posts having a go at some of the new members for miss posting. Get a life.
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    Lescott [Merged]

    Fuck me. Finally some sense. Some of the values and posts by these "pro Lescott" posters are just embarassing.
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    Best player at the club?

    Oh dear, its the bluemoon police again!!!
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    Best player at the club?

    I still think the most important player will be Given. The ammount of points he's gonna save us is huge. Best keeper in the prem.
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    Lescott [Merged]

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    Lescott [Merged]

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    Lescott [Merged]

    Yes I think it would happen and probably already started hapenning. So, do you think Lescott is actually worth 22m? Do you think he is worth 6 million more than Toure. A prooven top flight premiership defender? I'm all for a massive bid for a player. But a prooven one. Not Lescott. UTD got...
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    Lescott [Merged]

    People just dont get it do they!!?? If we end up paying a fucking stupid ammount for a defender who has had one decent season, everytime we go to sign a player, clubs are going to think "well they paid that much for Lescott". A player that is worth probably 10 million less than you reackon he's...
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    Lescott [Merged]

    Exactly. It's embarassing how many people think he's worth 20m. How many defenders are worth that in the prem? Not many and certainly not Lescott. Please walk away!!!!
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    Lescott [Merged]

    I'm really starting to fuckin hate Everton. Shit club, shit support, shit stadium, shit town, shit squad and ..... they're still scruffy fucking scousers even though they don't have the word "Liverpool" on that crap shirt. The only thing good about the club is the manager and from the interviews...
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    Ballotelli to hammers

    I personally think our academy is producing some of the best youngsters in the country. Weiss looks like he's gonna be one to watch. Would like to see us buy a couple of under 18 starlets and let our academy do the work. We're definitly up to the task. Look at previous players that have come...
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    Do we need another back-up striker?

    Please tell me this thread is a joke.
  20. N

    David bentley to sign ?

    Bentley - No Sneijder - Yes

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