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  1. J


    yes well done city, hand on heart can say i am actually made up for all of u. at the start of the game i wasnt that fussed who won. but nearly wet myself a bit when u scored. think i still have a soft touch for u. i live in leigh and when we didnt play i used to go with my mates to maine...
  2. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    wheres this jimmy come from?? BIG win, cup final so on so on. were you lot not up for it before the game?? were there not posts on here how you wnated to turn us over, cant be arsed looking for them. only get moaned at for quoting thm wrong, remember the lawrence one saying we'd wion 2-0 of...
  3. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    i know i am. sorry are you waiting for me?
  4. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    im going on what i seen on sat. rob was crap. are you how hes treated your team/fans this season? does he earn his wage? you can throw as much money as you want at a pile of crap it will still be a pile of crap.(or something like that) Robinho is a lazy twat. but are you honestly trying to...
  5. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    arrogance again, any way ive had enough fun for one day, see you tomorrow
  6. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    yes ill give you that, bellamy was the only player looked like he wanted o play, so you was at the game was you?? youd rather have robhinio then donavan?? as for the yak, yes he is shocking. lazy fat cant run cant jump. i would let hi go on a free. oh no dont tar me with the racist brush, its...
  7. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    i did go.and it was usual stuff nothing special. so is it ok now for you to abuse us this season! seeing as most of you think you had a shocking experience on sat
  8. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    never heard a shipman song, maybe its liverpool your thinking o. yes jealousy isnt a nice thing, am i of you?? erm a bit i suppose, but seeing your team fall to peices, and fans turning on each other on here, makes me think better the devil you know.. ps can you name any of your big summer...
  9. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    i mean, V's everton sorry Very wrong. Chelsea and Arsenal games this season for a start, and loads of others.
  10. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    they are talking to me, because your all trying to show what a great set of fans you are, weve always had black players, we never slag off teams, it must be a bit annoying to know that your hated by most sets of fans now,most post on here show how arrogant you have become, i even think some of...
  11. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    yes i will be there, yes it was strange what moyes put in the prog, i agree with you on that seems like he wanted a hostile atmosphere but prob went one step too far. but in all honesty, eastlands is not hostile one little bit. dont remember an amazing atmosphere there. im sure you wont agree...
  12. J

    Everton no longer the friendly peoples club..............

    most of the problem on here with you city fans, seems to me that you've all gone a little 'sky sports fans' oh sir that nasty man is calling me names. other then the bus that got bricked, i cant see anything wrong!! (not incluiding the alleged racist chants of course that only one person...
  13. J


    no mate, our big games are, AEK, benfica and bate!! leave it at that aye?
  14. J


    So you still calling for moyes head on kipper ? no, i never have, love him, and with out a doubt the best man for the job, i sometimes wonder who we would get if he did go, and i cant see anyone wanting to come with his skill. who would want to come when he has pennys to spend year in year out?
  15. J


    James, as a mancunian having moved to Liverpool 20 years ago, I make a big effort to defend your city and its people against the stereotypical image some people hold. (Check previous posts of mine if you want to check). And then along comes a dick like you to undo all my good work.[/quote...
  16. J


    thanks, (not the spelling bit i have very thick fingers) but i came on here when the lescott saga started, just to see what you all thought, but recently the man city fans i known seem to think that the team is unstoppable and deserves to win everything, you know the things you hate about the...
  17. J


    no its ok think ill stay a bit longer im having fun, winding you up on your biggest game of the season, good old fergis magic watch
  18. J


    cant beat the old ones!

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