Search results

  1. M

    How does the spine of our team compare to others

    Going completley off the subjuct, does anybody else think we should change the black netting in our goals to white?? I just dont get the black netting thing!! ADVISE........
  2. M

    Is now the time to consider Mancini's tenure at the club

    Re: Is now the time to consider Mancini's tenure at the clubs Mike D you are a disgrace!! have a big word with yourself. Talk about over-reaction. I really thought we had grown out of this sort of shit. You are taking us back to the bad old days. YOU have made a bad morning even worst!! ODIOT!!!
  3. M

    Which City Players do you Hate (past & present)?

    Mark Ward, Gary Megson, Neil Pointon, Adrien Heath, Wayne Clarke, Mark Brennan. That whole Everton-culture we had going at the time. Bridge, Ade are greedy, lazy fuckers too!!
  4. M

    City's worst manager of all time

    Re: Citys worst manager of all time. Coppell. total rag shit bag.
  5. M


    Roadworks are still on-going mate. I work for Mamchester Uni and we are update on all relevent disruptions ect. GIVE YOURSELF PLENTY OF TIME!!
  6. M

    Chants for the swamp

    Gotta be `WHERE`S YOUR BANNER GONE?` lest we forget.

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