Search results

  1. E

    Club Badge (merged)

    Love it!! It's simple and says exactly who we are. I loved the old round badge but this one is new and improved to show the world who we are. Cmon city!!!
  2. E

    Club Badge (merged)

    Give us the OLD badge back. It's simple, clean and retro. I've a bad feeling there tying us up with nycfc and Melbourne as just one team with a different name, we need to be different we are citt after all and we're here well before bloody nycfc and melbourne
  3. E

    Borussia Attendance?

    The game was up for general sale but now you can't seem to buy a ticket?
  4. E

    Club Badge (merged)

    I wonder when the biggest stock sale will be for all the old shirts, kit etc. There will be some good bargains to have there. So are we thinking of having the new badge for next season?

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