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  1. I

    City v Celtic post match

    As a Celtic fan I enjoyed the 2 games against man city and thought 2 draws were fair results.I wasn't at the game on Tuesday so can't really comment on what went on between the fans.It seems strange that if there was fighting between the fans then surely both clubs would get reported and maybe...
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    Celtic v City post match

    i thought for 70 minutes the game was end to end until Celtic ran out of steam in the last 20 minutes when city had all the attacking though didn't make too many chances.I would agree with you about the analysis of the game becoming ridiculous i.e. describing Celtics goals as ,offside or...
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    Rodgers - deluded ?

    First of all he wasn't talking about this actual Celtic team being a force in the EPL he was saying that if Celtic got in with the tv money and the crowds we get we would be a major force.Obviously the more money you have the stronger you will become because you can afford to pay top...
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    Celtic v City post match

    The safe standing area at Celtic park has exactly the same capacity as it is during the European games when the seats are used.When it is used as safe standing the seats are put up and locked but you have exactly the same area except your seats isn't used.Away fans stand so everyone has to stand...
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    Celtic v City post match

    As a Celtic fan I thought it was a great game and for 70 minutes it was end to end until we ran out of steam.Celtic never let you play your normal game because of our pressing but unfortunately we made mistakes as well.As we're a team in progress we will get better and hopefully we can finish...
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    City Fans In Glasgow

    There's a fanzone in the merchant city in the centre of town which has plenty of bars and restaurants.Afterwards you can get a train from argyle st station or central lower level to dalmarnock station which is a straight road to the stadium.As someone says going the the hardcore loyalist pubs in...
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    Celtic (A) - Pre-Match Thread....

    Celtic fan here.I never go into any champions league game with confidence but with the home crowd Celtic more often than not raise their game and do us proud.City fans have the right to be confident because there probably wouldn't be one Celtic player who would get into the man city first 11...

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