City Fans In Glasgow

Just about to set off & with a few minutes to spare, just started pondering on the ticket collection. This game will be unlike any previous Euro in so much that almost everyone will arrive in the city on the day of the game. Doing some sums (and a couple of assumptions), we were allocated 2,700 tickets, say 15% went to Corporate etc. & another 15% to supporters clubs (who don't have to collect at the fruit market), that leaves 1,900 people needing wristbands. If most arrive after midday, that means they have approx. 6 hours to shift the tickets at a rate of over 300/hour. That's 10 staff distributors maintaining a speed of 3 minutes per person. My experience in Paris was that it look far longer than 3 minutes (more like 5).

If they have miscalculated, this could get heated!!!!
Think you may have miscalculated too. 3 mins/person = 20 people per hour per distributor, x 10 distributors = 200/hour, = 1200 in six hours.
Any blues like continental beers, try the Beer Cafe on Candleriggs in merchant city,
Great selection of beers from all over Europe, the pies are nice as well.
Any blues like continental beers, try the Beer Cafe on Candleriggs in merchant city,
Great selection of beers from all over Europe, the pies are nice as well.
A great wee bar, one of the few places you can ask the barmaid for a shag, without getting a skelp in the gub.
Just got my ticket and it took about 3 minutes. About 8 other blues in there. Show ID and letter on door and then again at desks. Get given ticket in envelope and wristband put on (loosely if you ask nice).
There's a fanzone in the merchant city in the centre of town which has plenty of bars and restaurants.Afterwards you can get a train from argyle st station or central lower level to dalmarnock station which is a straight road to the stadium.As someone says going the the hardcore loyalist pubs in the east end like the loudon is better left to the lunatic fringe of your support.
If anyone finds themselves near The Grosvenor Cafe on Ashton Lane - best pie I ever had.

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