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  1. J

    Liverpool thread 2017/18

    I'm not really sure what to say to that, most Liverpool fans I know are very happy with how the seasons gone. There are definitely some individuals who expect a lot more and are continuously negative because we're "not like we were in the 80's" or whatever but most I know are very grateful for...
  2. J

    It's quiet... summer 2018.

    As is De Bruyne, but you do realise there isn't an actual rivalry between Man City and Liverpool right other than the one the supporters are trying to create? And there certainly wasn't one when Aguero joined City. Quite different than being a United fan.
  3. J

    Liverpool thread 2017/18

    Really not sure how you can say we've been "buying failure" when we've actually gained £30m on transfers since Klopp joined vs you guys spending like £370m on transfers. I have no issue with you guys spending a lot, I wish we would spend a lot more tbh and on top of that you spend your money...
  4. J

    Liverpool thread 2017/18

    Do you not think all this whining about Liverpool’s antics is a bit hypocritical when you guys did the exact same thing to the United bus only a few years earlier?
  5. J

    Liverpool (h) - CL QF post match thread

    You guys definitely didn't get the luck of the draw with referee decisions, 3 definite wrong decisions that went against you and it definitely could have changed the tie. However I do think it was probably a foul on Van Dijk so that first goal shouldn't have happened but doesn't really even...
  6. J

    Liverpool (h) CL QF pre-match thread

    Would kind of be irrelevant really tbh as Salah isn't really one to track on the wing. It'd just mean one of the CM's from Liverpool would move over to help whoever is playing at RB (I'd assume Trent Alexander-Arnold again). Salah will mostly stay high up ready to initiate a counter.

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