£56 for home games

Prodigal Son said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I pay £80 per month for sky, I would fuck that off before my season cards.

Agreed. Me too.

In this thread we moan about games costing another couple of quid.

In the next one we are bleating the owners haven't shoved 30 million towards some Brazillian child the rags are after.

Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Prodigal Son said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I pay £80 per month for sky, I would fuck that off before my season cards.

Agreed. Me too.

In this thread we moan about games costing another couple of quid.

In the next one we are bleating the owners haven't shoved 30 million towards some Brazillian child the rags are after.

Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.
I would say from tracking this thread that a lot on here don't, to be honest. Ah well. C'est La Vie.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Prodigal Son said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I pay £80 per month for sky, I would fuck that off before my season cards.

Agreed. Me too.

In this thread we moan about games costing another couple of quid.

In the next one we are bleating the owners haven't shoved 30 million towards some Brazillian child the rags are after.

Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.

If you read my posts I have the upmost emapthy with the blues who cannot afford to go anymore. What makes you think I don't ??

All I am saying is everyone has a threshold that they are prepared or can afford to pay. The debate is pointless IMO. A previous poster made a good point. It isn't just football that is rocketing,it's everything. Try doing a weekly shop now and compare it to 3 years ago. Believe me you will see more than a £4 per week increase. People blame football clubs/owners for pricing them out of the game. I have sympathy but I will do everything in my means to carry on - and in answer to your question..Yes I would. Either fuck sky off or never go watching City at home-It's a no brainer but people want every luxury in life iphones,laptops,fast cars etc etc and expect them things to just be affordable to them?
I really don't get it.<br /><br />-- Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:26 pm --<br /><br />
jimharri said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Prodigal Son said:
Agreed. Me too.

In this thread we moan about games costing another couple of quid.

In the next one we are bleating the owners haven't shoved 30 million towards some Brazillian child the rags are after.

Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.
I would say from tracking this thread that a lot on here don't, to be honest. Ah well. C'est La Vie.

Evening Jim...I have the upmost empathy but refuse to blame the club for putting prices up. I want a Ferrari pal but can't afford it. Do you think the rich bastards empathise with me?? No they just think go and earn some more money etc...
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Have posted earlier on today about this issue. For me it's a choice. If you can afford it you will pay it. If you can't afford it perhaps you will choose to forsake that extra packet of fags etc.

Going to the pictures is a dear do
Going to the theatre is a dear do.

Life in general is a fucking dear do. At the end of the day city fans come from all walks of life,low income,middle income,high income etc. You surely cannot expect the club to price tickets on peoples earnings because that is what fans are asking the club to do in reality according to many posters on here.

If I couldn't afford to go I wouldn't. I won't berate the club for putting prices up. I will maybe do a little more overtime,put a tenners less fuel in the car one week etc.

This thread is always going to cause issues as there are basically those that can afford to go, those that can't afford to go,but somehow find the cash and those that have hit the limit of what they can afford and decide to knock it on the head!

I pay £80 per month for sky, I would fuck that off before my season cards.
choices is the key word, theres lots of things i would love to do but i cant afford them, its no-bodies fault but my own, maybe i should have listened at school & got a better job, who ever said football is a working class game is mental or has been asleep for the last 20yrs. Fact is i would give up almost anything rather than give up going to City & i have . Instead of being on the outside looking in we are now firmly on the inside & the rules are completely different, we have the best team in living memory & to be honest i wish all the negative moaning twats on this thread would just leave , the sooner the better. We could easily have ended up like Stockport county you know, but then the tickets would be cheap so everything would be fine. Fucking jokers.
Prodigal Son said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I pay £80 per month for sky, I would fuck that off before my season cards.

Agreed. Me too.

In this thread we moan about games costing another couple of quid.

In the next one we are bleating the owners haven't shoved 30 million towards some Brazillian child the rags are after.

I have just sacked Sky last week. Pain to do it but Sky costing over £72 per month. Got a deal with BT though for c£30 a month which includes ESPN and SS1 & SS2 - but no SS3 &4 or interactive. Result! Saved over £40 mth and seasoncard paid for - well almost. If this has to be cut next season then so be it. Will just watch liveonlinefooty at £2.50 per mth for games we can't attend.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Prodigal Son said:
Agreed. Me too.

In this thread we moan about games costing another couple of quid.

In the next one we are bleating the owners haven't shoved 30 million towards some Brazillian child the rags are after.

Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.

If you read my posts I have the upmost emapthy with the blues who cannot afford to go anymore. What makes you think I don't ??

All I am saying is everyone has a threshold that they are prepared or can afford to pay. The debate is pointless IMO. A previous poster made a good point. It isn't just football that is rocketing,it's everything. Try doing a weekly shop now and compare it to 3 years ago. Believe me you will see more than a £4 per week increase. People blame football clubs/owners for pricing them out of the game. I have sympathy but I will do everything in my means to carry on - and in answer to your question..Yes I would. Either fuck sky off or never go watching City at home-It's a no brainer but people want every luxury in life iphones,laptops,fast cars etc etc and expect them things to just be affordable to them?
I really don't get it.

-- Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:26 pm --

jimharri said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.
I would say from tracking this thread that a lot on here don't, to be honest. Ah well. C'est La Vie.

Evening Jim...I have the upmost empathy but refuse to blame the club for putting prices up. I want a Ferrari pal but can't afford it. Do you think the rich bastards empathise with me?? No they just think go and earn some more money etc...

I wasn't having a pop at you. I think an assumption is being made that people can make sacrifices to find the money but generally speaking people who can afford a meal out/Sky/Cigs/ etc etc can also afford football.

However there are some people that dont have sky, dont smoke, drink rarely, live from week to week and cant afford £56 for a game of football.

I think the debate in general is that football is too expensive in general and is only going to get worse. There will be a change in the people that go to the game over the next few years without question. I sit in very good padded seats on Tier 2 and I get all sorts of day trippers near me. Always different with a handful of regular ST holders around us.

We have spent years ridiculing the rags and their automatic cup schemes and high prices with day trippers and people taking photos instead of enjoying the moment......We are slowly but surely becoming the same. This is what success allows clubs to do. However the business model only works when that success continues. The Rags have not sold out ST this season yet. if they fell out of the top 4 they would lose 15000 overnight.

There is a danger that over time the loyal fanbase that we have will be replaced and then if we fall performance wise we will also lose these new fans and the old ones wont come back.
stirlingblue said:
Prodigal Son said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I pay £80 per month for sky, I would fuck that off before my season cards.

Agreed. Me too.

In this thread we moan about games costing another couple of quid.

In the next one we are bleating the owners haven't shoved 30 million towards some Brazillian child the rags are after.

I have just sacked Sky last week. Pain to do it but Sky costing over £72 per month. Got a deal with BT though for c£30 a month which includes ESPN and SS1 & SS2 - but no SS3 &4 or interactive. Result! Saved over £40 mth and seasoncard paid for - well almost. If this has to be cut next season then so be it. Will just watch liveonlinefooty at £2.50 per mth for games we can't attend.

Well done that man and sorry you had to give up your package but you have CHOSEN what is important to you. You haven't slagged the club you have done what you had to so you are able to afford your ticket. Oh by the way,I'd fuck that live footy online subscription off. Try this one.Free and no problems.Juat save it as a favourite. I watch most aways on here as I CHOOSE not to be ripped off as an away fan!

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.thefirstrow.eu/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.thefirstrow.eu/</a><br /><br />-- Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:47 pm --<br /><br />
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.

If you read my posts I have the upmost emapthy with the blues who cannot afford to go anymore. What makes you think I don't ??

All I am saying is everyone has a threshold that they are prepared or can afford to pay. The debate is pointless IMO. A previous poster made a good point. It isn't just football that is rocketing,it's everything. Try doing a weekly shop now and compare it to 3 years ago. Believe me you will see more than a £4 per week increase. People blame football clubs/owners for pricing them out of the game. I have sympathy but I will do everything in my means to carry on - and in answer to your question..Yes I would. Either fuck sky off or never go watching City at home-It's a no brainer but people want every luxury in life iphones,laptops,fast cars etc etc and expect them things to just be affordable to them?
I really don't get it.

-- Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:26 pm --

jimharri said:
I would say from tracking this thread that a lot on here don't, to be honest. Ah well. C'est La Vie.

Evening Jim...I have the upmost empathy but refuse to blame the club for putting prices up. I want a Ferrari pal but can't afford it. Do you think the rich bastards empathise with me?? No they just think go and earn some more money etc...

I wasn't having a pop at you. I think an assumption is being made that people can make sacrifices to find the money but generally speaking people who can afford a meal out/Sky/Cigs/ etc etc can also afford football.

However there are some people that dont have sky, dont smoke, drink rarely, live from week to week and cant afford £56 for a game of football.

I think the debate in general is that football is too expensive in general and is only going to get worse. There will be a change in the people that go to the game over the next few years without question. I sit in very good padded seats on Tier 2 and I get all sorts of day trippers near me. Always different with a handful of regular ST holders around us.

We have spent years ridiculing the rags and their automatic cup schemes and high prices with day trippers and people taking photos instead of enjoying the moment......We are slowly but surely becoming the same. This is what success allows clubs to do. However the business model only works when that success continues. The Rags have not sold out ST this season yet. if they fell out of the top 4 they would lose 15000 overnight.

There is a danger that over time the loyal fanbase that we have will be replaced and then if we fall performance wise we will also lose these new fans and the old ones wont come back.

If you can afford £70-£80 per month for Sky then you can certainly afford a football match. It really is a choice that people have to make. But I do agree with you that going to the match is a fucking expensive do. I think the club recognise the fact with cheaper pricing in the domestic cups until the QF stage etc but what makes me laugh is the fans who moan about the cost of the league games could potentially go to the league cup games and pay a hell of a lot less. I know a lot of "can't be arsed for the cup games" blues yet they are quick to moan about the price of the league which IMO is the best league in the world. With success comes a price and unfortunately that price is always paid by the customer.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Prodigal Son said:
Agreed. Me too.

In this thread we moan about games costing another couple of quid.

In the next one we are bleating the owners haven't shoved 30 million towards some Brazillian child the rags are after.

Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.

If you read my posts I have the upmost emapthy with the blues who cannot afford to go anymore. What makes you think I don't ??

All I am saying is everyone has a threshold that they are prepared or can afford to pay. The debate is pointless IMO. A previous poster made a good point. It isn't just football that is rocketing,it's everything. Try doing a weekly shop now and compare it to 3 years ago. Believe me you will see more than a £4 per week increase. People blame football clubs/owners for pricing them out of the game. I have sympathy but I will do everything in my means to carry on - and in answer to your question..Yes I would. Either fuck sky off or never go watching City at home-It's a no brainer but people want every luxury in life iphones,laptops,fast cars etc etc and expect them things to just be affordable to them?
I really don't get it.

-- Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:26 pm --

jimharri said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.
I would say from tracking this thread that a lot on here don't, to be honest. Ah well. C'est La Vie.

Evening Jim...I have the upmost empathy but refuse to blame the club for putting prices up. I want a Ferrari pal but can't afford it. Do you think the rich bastards empathise with me?? No they just think go and earn some more money etc...
I wasn't singling anyone out SHB(E). But I've lost count of the times on here that I've seen the same old comments about seasoncards being better value, getting rid of Sky, quitting the fags, stopping going out, getting rid of the car etc etc. As I've said previously, I don't have Sky (can't afford it with everything else), I don't smoke, I barely drink (can't, as I drive) and I rarely go out (again, too costly if you're shelling out for taxis and booze). The car is my only luxury (a 3 year old Peugeot 308) as I live out in the sticks with no public transport). I work in a shitty job and haven't had a pay rise in five years. I don't particularly lead a profligate lifestyle, but times are bloody hard. If I push it, I can get over to maybe 5 games a season. Discounting the value seasoncards which are very limited in their availability, the cheapest figure I've seen quoted on here for an adult seasoncard away from the family stand is £505. That would work out at £101 per game, so that's not a realistic option. Blue membership is my only viable choice. Not looking for sympathy (just as well as you won't get much on here!), just a bit of understanding as to why some of us are a bit pissed off.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Prodigal Son said:
Agreed. Me too.

In this thread we moan about games costing another couple of quid.

In the next one we are bleating the owners haven't shoved 30 million towards some Brazillian child the rags are after.

Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.

If you read my posts I have the upmost emapthy with the blues who cannot afford to go anymore. What makes you think I don't ??

All I am saying is everyone has a threshold that they are prepared or can afford to pay. The debate is pointless IMO. A previous poster made a good point. It isn't just football that is rocketing,it's everything. Try doing a weekly shop now and compare it to 3 years ago. Believe me you will see more than a £4 per week increase. People blame football clubs/owners for pricing them out of the game. I have sympathy but I will do everything in my means to carry on - and in answer to your question..Yes I would. Either fuck sky off or never go watching City at home-It's a no brainer but people want every luxury in life iphones,laptops,fast cars etc etc and expect them things to just be affordable to them?
I really don't get it.

-- Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:26 pm --

jimharri said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Another couple of quid this season, another couple of quid next season, another couple of quid every season. Where does it stop? Would you still be happy paying £80 for a game of football?

I dont have to pay these prices due to ST but have empathy with those that do. It seems that some don't...

How long before ST shoot up and cup schemes become compulsory. I reckon we are one season away from the latter.
I would say from tracking this thread that a lot on here don't, to be honest. Ah well. C'est La Vie.

Evening Jim...I have the upmost empathy but refuse to blame the club for putting prices up. I want a Ferrari pal but can't afford it. Do you think the rich bastards empathise with me?? No they just think go and earn some more money etc...

Not sure a fair analogy is comparing the desire to buy a Ferrari and watching a game of football for 90 mins. Going to a game of football for recreation shouldnt be one of lifes luxuries. It hasn't been historically and admittedly prices have risen in all aspects of life, football does seem to have risen disproportionately.

For me the annoying thing is the waste of resources at the club. Its a crude example and Ive said it earlier in the thread, Ades wages is rougly 170k a week and as we have a home match roughly every two weeks, seven pounds of each match ticket will be used to cover his wages alone.

Similarly I have little sympathy for De Jong demanding more money. The awful thing about football is most of the money leaves the game and pays for another players latest flash sportcar. Until football takes control of players wages and agents fees the longer fans will continue to be fleeced.
we seem to have some really great fans, in fact we seem to spend so much energy restating how good they are, let me recap to make sure that I have it right:

Pre- 2008:

1/ we were so loyal? We filled out Maine Road almost to the brim???? We have suffered so much pain and we have endured so much??? Simply put – we are the DBs and deserve to have been chosen by the sheik – FFS why would he choose any other club when CITY with such loyal fans is an option

2/ No fucker within 30 mile of Manchester would ever allow his son/daughter to become a red scum twat and nobody on this forum has allowed that to happen through 2 generations of total dominance by the scum!!!

My opinion is that the first point is largely correct but the reality is that we have not really grown our fan base before 2008 – FFS why would we!!! We did fuck all and it is amazing testament to the fans that have been around for the pain that we have been one of those clubs that enjoy genuinely loyal support

Post 2008

Well of course it is all a dream and for us long term fans there is simply no waking up.

We have seen the early breathtaking excitement – and we have realised how big the mountain is to climb – and just how biased the authorities and refs are. We have seen the change of management and whether some disagreed the results speak for themselves – I was certainly unsure at the time.

This (with hindsight) of course is to be expected, but what I have found surprising is the seemingly ‘morph’ of the fans ?? From these solid guys / lasses I used to meet at games to these seemingly childish and petulant ‘Johnny come lately types’ that seem to add fuck all to the club other than to drown forums like this in their whingeing drivel about how hard things are for them.

And when you get through the childish crap they post you see certain themes:
1/ Oh the cost of tickets is too high???? WTF – less than many (most) other clubs and if you had bought a season card fucking amazing value. Now I know for some of the moaners that annual outlay is prohibitive – but for a lot n here it seems they have made fuck attempt to support CITY other than to post bollocks on a ‘fans’ site.

2/ The ‘childish fuckers’ whinge’ about club policy as if they were some authority and as if what they think actually had any relevance outside their limited sphere – FFS guys/lasses get a grip – you are commenting on things most likely beyond your level of awareness and most certainly beyond your level of understanding of what actually happens at our club. FFS some even use language / grammar as if they were someone that needs to be made ‘happy’ – FFS get over yourselves!!

3/ Oh FFS sake ‘my’ club has not spent a £bzillion quid on several players – we are doomed.

4/ ‘I am not satisfied’ – I want Marwood (or anyone else) sacked to make me feel better and so I can go on an internet forum and big myself up with some bollocks about ‘............”I have been saying for ages – so just how clever am I!!!!”

5/ And of course now ticket prices - likely for games most of these internet warriors would never come close to attending

Frankly, I have no doubts that ‘some’ of the petulant muppets are/were really long term fans. Of course for others , it is just the price you pay for being successful and attracting shallow fuckers that are so far up their own arses they delude themselves that what they post comes across as being ‘sage / profound’ rather than just the childish/immature bollocks of spoilt brats that have limited football knowledge in general or in particular about ‘our’ club.

BUT please – can we have less posts / threads from people that actually do not ‘actively support’ the club whinging about anything that needs them to get off their arses or to spend more the a £1, pontificating as if it was ‘their club’

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