To bump this thread, for those asking I can expalin as much as I can about City Matters and how it will work.
There are currently 10 of us representing various groups, some of which overlap. We've just had our first proper meeting with the club, where we discussed potential stadium enhancements, which are the subject of about 20 Focus Groups starting next week (12th November) so that's nothing really to do with us as a committee specifically although we had a preview of some potential opportunities and ideas. I'm sure those who attend these will reveal more.
The plan is to have meetings on a 3-weekly cycle, alternating between a full meeting with City representatives present and a committe only meeting. The plan is we stand for 2 seasons as this is the minimum we felt gave us a chance to get something done as a group. Things are still in the formative stage but we're hoping to have something on the club website, together with a full communication strategy, in a couple of weeks. A lot of this relies on the IT department and, understandbly, they're a bit busy at the moment. We're talking about some face-to-face activities, maybe a "Meet The Team" event in City Square or even a Forum at some point. but most of the communication will be online/digital. I reperesnt 40,000 seasoncard holders and I know quite a few but I'm never going to be able to speak to everyone of those individually hence the website and email will be the prime channels. However this forum is a useful way of getting instant feedback and interaction so as long as people are prepared to engage in a civilsed way then I plan to use it as there's some very bright people on here and lots of different experiences.
The plan is to publish minutes after each full meeting, so on a 6-weekly cycle, and then we'll seek feedback depending on the subject. It's very much a two-way process in that the club will suggest things to us and we have things we want to talk to them about. This helps them to see things through our eyes and us to understand their objectives, strategy and limitations. As sweenyuk said above, they often don't really understand what's important to us. I have to stress and people have to understand that there will be some things we can be open about, some things we have to be a bit more cautious about & wait until the official minutes are published and some things we'll have to keep to ourselves as it's confidential information or data the club doesn't want to share. I think we've all been impressed with the way the club are approaching this and that gives us great confidence that we can make the whole business of supporting City and going to matches a better experience.
Last night we talked about ticket points and various ideas were exchanged. Some were a bit off-the-wall but some were very sensible and so we'll wait to see what the club decide to do. I don't know how quickly they will turn the minutes round but I'd expect to see the first draft early next week. Once we're happy then they'll go on the website for everyone to see.