I understand what you are saying in regards to loyal fans, but something has to change in my opinion. Unless you know someone it’s bascially impossible for younger fans to get tickets to away matches.
You always bang on about younger fans, but its not only them. As I posted earlier, I was able to get a ticket for pretty much all the away games about 5 years ago, my only away game last year was in Ukraine (and a great time was had).
Despite being eligible for most away games, I often couldn't go because I work shifts and weekends, I also live a long way from Manchester, and every home game is like an away game for me, and so I prioritise those as a season card holder. I've done all the distant away games over the years, but because I could only ever manage 7 or 8 away games a season (and most home games), I fell back points wise each season, and about 5 years ago, it became difficult to get tickets, I then dropped platinum as it wasn't worth the extra £50 as my point got further and further behind the top ones.
I'm now luckily at a position in life where I could do most home and away games (financially and work wise), but only occasionally are my points good enough for away games. My lad is 28 (so part of your younger fans, and he's done the hard years since he was about 7 or 8), and just down to having platinum he's passed my points total, but we go together, so he can get some away tickets now but I can't, and so he's also not going as often.
Something needs to change to benefit ALL groups, not just one or another group, and like PB says those who go everywhere should continue to be the first priority, but we need a system that doesn't allow some fans to buy tickets with no intention of ever going to most, but just keeping their points total artificially high so they can pick and choose the top games, and just sell on to others the ones they're not arsed going too.
No idea what that system looks like, but hopefully we can find some compromise somehow, but for ALL groups not just yours.