Well-Known Member
No the point was rather disingenuous when it linked buying tickets to a game and passing them on to others to use, was given as a reason for passing them on to Thomas Cook instead. When the reality was that in the first Shaktar game some people bought tickets for the game and didn’t attend, for whatever reason. These people were then turned into fans who are passing tickets on, which was clearly not the case. Even though in your post it said it’s better the tickets went to the fans tha went and not those who pass them on, although you know that’s not what happened, as did the club.You're right that my wording wasn't accurate but the result is still the same. People are buying tickets for the points and those people are not attending games.
So, IMO, using the few fools who bought tickets to an extremely cheap game, that hardly anyone was going to, thinking they would get the points, they didn’t by the way, as one of the reasons for handing over more tickets to Thomas Cook is just wrong. Don’t use our own fans as a battering ram for their commercial gain.
I see the need for why the club want to do this, I also see fans concerns when they say why can’t fans go on the plane without a ticket. And if it’s in the contract, then have it changed!
I’m going to Schalke with my wife, daughter and grandson. Which means someone else has to come along to look after grandson when the game is on. That immediacy precludes us going with Thomas Cook as two of the party are not going to the game.
I’ve been to two Euro aways with friends where one has taken his wife, a rag *spits*, just for the trip. She didn’t want to go to the game.
Thomas Cook and the club need to be more creative in filling their planes.