109 today

SWP's back said:
marco said:
looks to me like rather than the agresive tactics previously used its going to be more of a personal approach from the club in the way of a letter and ban however from a legal point of view if your stood behind someone who is standing then the club has sold you what could be classed as an obstructive view because they have faild to police the situation i'd be very surprised if any customer would fail to sue for loss of games expense if the club handed bans out
Childish arguments again.

They try getting the front rows to sit and then move it back a row time and time and time again.

You weaken your own arguments with feeble minded crap such as this, you know exactly how it works.

Anyway, I'm guessing the club may well have someone slightly sharper than you on this.

As for aggression against the block, just lol. That's like Jordan accusing someone of being a slag.

i see so your the forum expert of how to seat 109, how fletcher and and Co have missed your expert services fails me, have you ever thought that when they move on to the 2nd row the first just stand up again and so on, not to worry send your cv to mr fletcher and point out why and what they should be doing i'm sure you may get appointed 'maybe as a bog cleaner'
Skashion said:
warpig said:
is the old boy back who got hauled out at the villa game back skashion? also, has anyone seen that rat faced steward who dived in and dragged him out?
No, he wasn't there but I can't recall whether he's a season ticket holder or not. I think either he might be but he only goes every so often or he goes occasionally on someone else's card. He knows one of the regulars in front anyway.

No but there's only been Villareal (moved to 114 for that one) and Wolves since and he wasn't there yesterday. Apparently the rat faced steward is still working for Showsec though because a blue saw him at a concert.

I saw the rat face at the part where the away fans get searched..
mancmackem said:
I'd also like to let people know that the next Points of Blue meeting is on Wed 9th November 2011 at 6:30pm. The venue is the Mancunian Suite at the Etihad stadium. This is an open house forum for fans to discuss issues with representatives from a range of departments at the club.

I'd urge as many 109 seasoncard holders to try and attend as we need to get in a room and have a discussion with the club and each other face to face.

Will there be enough seats if all 109 turn up? Or will some have to stand?
hilts said:
mammutly said:
hilts said:
are you really this stupid, how am i suppoosed to get dozens of rows in front me to sit down? the guy in front is standing because the guy in front of him is standing and this happens all the way down apart from the ones who would stand anyhow, and as for mammutly last post smart arse standing isnt against the law

It is not against the law in a criminal sense. It is, however, against the ground regulations and the civil law thereof. Individuals can be ejected or banned from the ground, but ultimately City have to run a stadium according to a licence which sets out conditions for which the club are legally responsible. There are plenty of examples of clubs being fined or worse for breaching regulations.

So you're right insofar as it is not a criminal offence to stand up. But it is against the rules and regulatons of the licence by which City run the stadium and which you agree to by buying a ticket. So it is against the law.

ground regulations say you cant persistantly stand so standing isnt against any law and the problem with 109 has nothing to do with regulations at all really, the problem is that over the last few seasons more and more people have been standing for longer, certain fans in 109 have rightly got a bit pissed off with this but the club allowed or couldnt think of a produvtive way to stop this, it has now got to the stage where everyone stands through either necessity or because they want to.

people who post that people should just sit down or those who say its their right to stand are as bad and misinformed as each other, as i stated earlier the situation is now a mess. And i asked the question how do you make a whole block sit down? this should be the discussion people posting about the law or suggesting you ban everyone isnt helpful, no offence intended just annoys how we go round in circles without dealing with the actual issue

The actual issue is that it is illegal to stand up in our all seater stadium. For most of the game, you must sit down.

The rest of it is irrelevant and all the club needs to do is enforce the regulations.
SWP's back said:
If I was who hilts?

I moved from 109 this season as my dad can't stand.

if you were the club, im towards the back of the block anyhow so it shouldnt affect me at this stage, but my mate behind wants to sit, im not that bothered either way, i just havent heard a fair way yet how the club is going to get people to sit down for the vast majority of the game
Does anyone know why Steve Sayer sent the recent letter as Operations Manager instead of Fletcher whose remit this situation came under with the first letter (Stadium Security & Safety Manager)?
mammutly said:
hilts said:
mammutly said:
It is not against the law in a criminal sense. It is, however, against the ground regulations and the civil law thereof. Individuals can be ejected or banned from the ground, but ultimately City have to run a stadium according to a licence which sets out conditions for which the club are legally responsible. There are plenty of examples of clubs being fined or worse for breaching regulations.

So you're right insofar as it is not a criminal offence to stand up. But it is against the rules and regulatons of the licence by which City run the stadium and which you agree to by buying a ticket. So it is against the law.

ground regulations say you cant persistantly stand so standing isnt against any law and the problem with 109 has nothing to do with regulations at all really, the problem is that over the last few seasons more and more people have been standing for longer, certain fans in 109 have rightly got a bit pissed off with this but the club allowed or couldnt think of a produvtive way to stop this, it has now got to the stage where everyone stands through either necessity or because they want to.

people who post that people should just sit down or those who say its their right to stand are as bad and misinformed as each other, as i stated earlier the situation is now a mess. And i asked the question how do you make a whole block sit down? this should be the discussion people posting about the law or suggesting you ban everyone isnt helpful, no offence intended just annoys how we go round in circles without dealing with the actual issue

The actual issue is that it is illegal to stand up in our all seater stadium. For most of the game, you must sit down.

The rest of it is irrelevant and all the club needs to do is enforce the regulations.

for the whole stadium?
mammutly said:
The actual issue is that it is illegal to stand up in our all seater stadium. For most of the game, you must sit down.

It isn't 'illegal' mate and you've been told by a few people now when you have made posts on the subject. You are closer to the mark with the second bit as it is 'persistent standing' which is the term used in the regulations.

Too vague a term. So would you throw me out if I stood for 51% of the game and sat down for the remaining 49%? What would you say is an accurate barometer we should be looking at?
marco said:
SWP's back said:
marco said:
looks to me like rather than the agresive tactics previously used its going to be more of a personal approach from the club in the way of a letter and ban however from a legal point of view if your stood behind someone who is standing then the club has sold you what could be classed as an obstructive view because they have faild to police the situation i'd be very surprised if any customer would fail to sue for loss of games expense if the club handed bans out
Childish arguments again.

They try getting the front rows to sit and then move it back a row time and time and time again.

You weaken your own arguments with feeble minded crap such as this, you know exactly how it works.

Anyway, I'm guessing the club may well have someone slightly sharper than you on this.

As for aggression against the block, just lol. That's like Jordan accusing someone of being a slag.

i see so your the forum expert of how to seat 109, how fletcher and and Co have missed your expert services fails me, have you ever thought that when they move on to the 2nd row the first just stand up again and so on, not to worry send your cv to mr fletcher and point out why and what they should be doing i'm sure you may get appointed 'maybe as a bog cleaner'
I'm fine thanks sweetheart.

If the first row then decide to jump and stand back up, fuck em. Ban em. The club seems to be going down that route. It's so fucking childish. They sit half a dozen rows down then "stand up if......" from some clever twat on the 9th row.

Ha fucking ha, what a jolly jape, give it to the man. Fuck anyone that wants to sit.

If you're on the front and refuse to sit despite the letters and warnings and get a ban, I have no sympathy. The mob mentality of blaming everyone else whilst thinking that it's a masterplan has lasted you so far but is fast running out of steam.

I think it's better the club do this than a fan or steward get hurt due to the selfishness of some.<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:11 pm --<br /><br />
hilts said:
SWP's back said:
If I was who hilts?

I moved from 109 this season as my dad can't stand.

if you were the club, im towards the back of the block anyhow so it shouldnt affect me at this stage, but my mate behind wants to sit, im not that bothered either way, i just havent heard a fair way yet how the club is going to get people to sit down for the vast majority of the game
Dont know mate. I wanted to stand, most around me wanted to sit last season, I could see this coming so moved due to who I go with. Not that it's right, I'd been there years unlike all the JCL's and I miss the blokes I knew all around my seat. I would have preferred to stay in 109 to be honest.

Easiest thing is for the club to allow standing but it's not fair that those that can't/don't want to, would be forced into standing.
mancmackem said:
mammutly said:
The actual issue is that it is illegal to stand up in our all seater stadium. For most of the game, you must sit down.

It isn't 'illegal' mate and you've been told by a few people now when you have made posts on the subject. You are closer to the mark with the second bit as it is 'persistent standing' which is the term used in the regulations.

Too vague a term. So would you throw me out if I stood for 51% of the game and sat down for the remaining 49%? What would you say is an accurate barometer we should be looking at?

this grey area certainly doesnt help at all, i might get excited if we cross the halfway line, you matbe for a corner, someone else if there is a bad tackle, the only way i can see is to try and put like minded fans in the same section, it works in the singing section and it works in the rest of the ground with sitting, unfortunately 109 seems to have a mixture of both due to the clubs actions

relocation is the only way this can be resolved but who do you relocate and can this be done fairly

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