City fined over £2m by PL | Sanction agreed for 22 breaches relating to ko delays

So we’ve done it 22 times and no teams have done it at all? Apart from when they play us? Not noticed the refs saying anything?

Yeah exactly. Across 2 seasons, there have been 780 Premier League games. We're led to believe that we've directly caused 22 matches to kick off late, but nobody else has?

Sounds like nonsense to me. Feel like maybe we won't mind either, as it'll be another example of the PL treating us differently. I'm sure we can easily find occasions others teams have done this and not been disciplined. Add it to the collection....

Note - not read the whole thread, so if I'm wrong about any of this, apologies.
From what I've read (between the lines) in this thread it appears that they haven't!

They've fined us regularly over the two seasons as and when the offences have occurred.

It's apparently just some (probably scouse) journalist/analyst who's compiled the list and brought it to the attention of the masses in a sensationalist way which appears like a £2m fine has suddenly been slapped onto our desk when in fact it's not.

It's just another "look at what City have been up to - bet nobody knew this" tabloid article from what I can make out, bit like that "look how City move the ball before a free-kick - they do it more than everybody else" nonsense.

If we had some paid shills in the media who could be arsed to dredge through two years worth of match reports in order to compile a list for other clubs I'd assume that many, many of those other clubs' fines would look relatively similar, but there's no traction in doing that as it's a non-story and wouldn't generate the clicks.

Just another way to get the masses to foam at the mouth and light their torches and get their pitchforks out.

Didn't you know we're the only ones who "cheat"? ;)
This is the point. If other clubs have done it why arent they mentioned? Why has the City story been leaked by someone at the PL?
If that's the case why don't city have word with a city reporter give them the option to put an article out and say we wasn't just fined 2m we were fined like other clubs a few weeks later! And it's proof that sky media for one don't do research and just put up any paper headline!
City don't do PR? It's of no importance to the men who matter? I honestly don't know mate. Maybe they just 'laugh' at how pathetic the media are whilst getting on with their business? We often wonder "why don't they...." but they consistently don't and it looks like they consistently won't, but we also consistently keep winning things so maybe they don't even give it a second's worth of thought (?)
City don't do PR? It's of no importance to the men who matter? I honestly don't know mate. Maybe they just 'laugh' at how pathetic the media are whilst getting on with their business? We often wonder "why don't they...." but they consistently don't and it looks like they consistently won't, but we also consistently keep winning things so maybe they don't even give it a second's worth of thought (?)
My Dad always used to tell me “ a wise head keeps a still tongue “.
So who is timing this? The Prem Assessor of the ref?

If it's the suit in the stands, does he do this at every game?

If it's the ref (I don't have the time to check ref v the games) is it particular ones? I'd wager a quid it's the ones who do fuck all about time wasting against us.

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