City fined over £2m by PL | Sanction agreed for 22 breaches relating to ko delays

Maybe an idea to kick off earlier this coming season. Crack an early goal in whilst Sly are still running the St Jude advert or Wanker boy jibbing a bag of crisps.
We were wrong, fair do's but why were we not fined after the first season ? That tells the club to get it sorted for the next one.
Every transgression should be finalised at the end of that season, if not, tough, too late.
The PL are a joke.

We got a warning after the first transgression.

We should have sorted it out.

I genuinely can’t see what the fuss is. We breached a rule and have been fined.

Pay it, crack on and don’t make the mistake again.
What I want to know is how the Premier League let it get to 22 times before they did anything about it. I feel like if someone breaks the rules 22 times before any sort of punishment, you have to take a look at the referee. When we came out late for a CL game a while ago, I’m pretty sure the fine was in the post the next week.

They gave us a warning after the first transgression.
Just think back for a minute at all the shit that has been thrown at our club over the last decade, from the media, opposition fans, pundits and youtube fuckers. Have you ever heard even one comment from any of them about us delaying kick off's.

As Kaldoon said, clear and organised.

The PL are digging a whole so big that the whole thing could collapse. I would love to see what punishments they have handed out for racist chanting at matches in the past.

Of course I am confident that over the coming weeks loads of other clubs will have similar charges.
Maybe the PL should drop it's association with it's anti-racism stance and replace it with a "kick it out" campaign for not starting matches late instead. The players could all drop to one knee for 30 seconds (ironically) to show their support of not delaying matches.

Clearly the PL are far more interested in delays to their matches which may affect their contractural obligations to broadcasters and advertisers (££££££'s) than they are to any other issues regardless of importance.

A massive own goal IMO and just shows how the greedy PL operate and where their priorities really lie!
Dunno how the process works but I don't think someone's added the fines up. There is an actual EPL sanctions document ordering us to pay within days so either the fines were accruing or we challenged them or something. Might even be that the league don't fine as they go but once a quarter issue the fines or something
Yeah, I've been looking into it more since I posted. Initially I thought it was a media released thing (not PL released) and when looking at the excel spreadsheet thing earlier in the thread it all looked a bit "journalist produced". It would appear that I was 100% incorrect though as I've now seen the full 6 page document released by the PL. Weird how the fines are listed in the spreadsheet document up to December 2023 and then those from Jan '24 to May '24 are listed in the written section of the document.

I have no idea what's going on but it's 100% not what I assumed it was. 100% it's 22 breaches and fines all to be paid in one go, as you say, within days of the letter being sent in July '24.

Very odd.
If that's genuine (and it is on the PL's site) then why 2 seasons fines in total just a month ago? You'd have thought they'd put charges in at least at the end of each season if not after each game? Did they have to put them on hold whilst the 115 charges were resolved and if so does that mean we're just waiting on the release of a statement on them or am I overthinking this?
If that's genuine (and it is on the PL's site) then why 2 seasons fines in total just a month ago? You'd have thought they'd put charges in at least at the end of each season if not after each game? Did they have to put them on hold whilst the 115 charges were resolved and if so does that mean we're just waiting on the release of a statement on them or am I overthinking this?
Feels a little bit to me like 'we can't get you on one set of charges so lets publicly put out in the media a big fine for this so the media and public think we can keep City in check'.
We got a warning after the first transgression.

We should have sorted it out.

I genuinely can’t see what the fuss is. We breached a rule and have been fined.

Pay it, crack on and don’t make the mistake again.
There’s no excuses for KO in the first half being delayed. We have plenty of time to get organised and to make sure we are in the pitch and ready to go at the correct time.
I’ve a bit more sympathy for second half being slightly over though. 15 mins isn’t much time at all to get off the pitch and into the changing rooms then be given a proper talk by the manager. I wouldn’t be against extending HT to 20 mins tbh.

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