20 thousand empty seats?

Stevie B said:

The rags play Bilbao, same time and place, everything the same except the competition - swap Europa with The Champs League.

You can guarantee that stadium would of been full.

Bunch of bandwaggon tourists in there with a big portion of local people who used to be big matchgoers for them having not been to watch a game in years, replaced by the entertainment seeker.

This will be us soon... Many of us priced out of the stadium, local people not affording to buy season tickets, end up losing the matchgoing habit and just watch it at home/at the pub.... Replaced by the entertainment seeker who has a bigger disposable income.

Their stadium is named a "Theatre" for a reason, The Etihad will be the same.

This doesn't seem right to me.

1 How do ''bandwagon tourists'' get tickets before ''local people'' don't they have a loyalty system? It has been posted that affordable tickets were available for the game last night at least. Maybe those ''locals'' you speak of are only interested in the glory games?

2 Why would you promote a doomsday scenario same as The Glazers, siphoning huge amounts of cash and raising prices at every opportunity at The Etihad?
Re: Re: 20 thousand empty seats?

MickyBenno81 said:
johnmc said:
Marvin said:
Hernandez has been poor all season.

The saves De Gea made were routine and ones you'd expect him to make.

I'd expect Bilbao to beat you at home. They aren't going to make the mistake and sit back and defend.

-- Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:57 pm --

67% because you can't count the Bilbao fans

Your getting desperate.

The fact is the attendance was more than our ground holds. The tickets cost more than we charge. They could opt out of the cup.scheme for the europa. Have a go at there part day trippers, there out of towners etc etc. There attendences can't be sniffed at though.

Jesus, they go on about how we 'can't fill our ground' yet, when it comes down to it, the self proclaimed 'biggest club in the world' can't.

dont understand why you're defending them

'its always sold out at OT'

'i can never get a ticket'

'its always a great atmosphere'





I honestly don't see why any of our fans are moaning about this thread. It's them fuckers over the road that are obsessed with attendances and seemingly spend all their spare time berating our crowds while implying that their ground is full for every match, and this is merely a case of blues having a pop back when they can't fill their own ground. If they didn't bang on about it I doubt very much that anyone would be arsed about what their crowd was last night.

This is exactly the same as the trophy parades last season with them lot casting the first stone. They couldn't help but take the piss out of the turnout for our FA Cup parade (not sure why because it was very well attended), but made the mistake of not waiting until their own parade had taken place - the turnout out for that was a complete embarrassment considering it was for a record 19th league title plus it was on a bank holiday when hardly any fucker was at work and no-one was at school. Again though, if they hadn't made such an issue out of our parade it's highly unlikely that we'd now have a 100-plus page thread relating to theirs sitting in the classics section of this forum.

Yet despite all this, we have some of our own lot basically saying we're not aloowed to dish it back out whenever their hypocrisy and lies catch up with them. You couldn't make it up.
Ok fine, the thread was about the song they sing to us, which is pretty much based on fact. Now they have had 20k empty seats then sing a song back to them about it.

My point was that 60k for a uefa cup tie is pretty decent and not something to have a go at them for. If you say to them well wheres your 20k empty seats song now then you can throw that back in their face after last night. But what is the reply going to be (i already know as I text a rag mate to explain why there were whole tiers empty). They still got more than our ground holds even if you take the spanish fans out of the equation. So its not really an argument we can win.

And for those who say they are obssessed by attendences there is a thread on here every week about they didnt sell out, or had to advertise on the radio or in the paper, or that they are forced to buy tickets. There are also songs sang by us constantly about "couldnt sell all you tickets" to other clubs. All clubs have fans obsessed by attendences and we are no different.

Personally, until attendences win you football matches then Im not really bothered.
johnmc said:
Ok fine, the thread was about the song they sing to us, which is pretty much based on fact. Now they have had 20k empty seats then sing a song back to them about it.

My point was that 60k for a uefa cup tie is pretty decent and not something to have a go at them for. If you say to them well wheres your 20k empty seats song now then you can throw that back in their face after last night. But what is the reply going to be (i already know as I text a rag mate to explain why there were whole tiers empty). They still got more than our ground holds even if you take the spanish fans out of the equation. So its not really an argument we can win.

And for those who say they are obssessed by attendences there is a thread on here every week about they didnt sell out, or had to advertise on the radio or in the paper, or that they are forced to buy tickets. There are also songs sang by us constantly about "couldnt sell all you tickets" to other clubs. All clubs have fans obsessed by attendences and we are no different.

Personally, until attendences win you football matches then Im not really bothered.

You say you're not really bothered but it hasn't stopped you posting numerous times on this thread.

As it happens, in the grand scheme of things, I'm not particularly arsed either but I'm not going to pass up the opportunity of exposing the hypocrites and liars in their support. As I've pointed out, they were the ones who started this admittedly largely pointless pissing contest and that's why you get so many blues giving it out any time that they have empty seats or tickets on general sale for league matches, the latter being highlighted as a riposte to the "Can't get a ticket" brigade which should really read "Can't be arsed to get a ticket as I'd sooner watch it down the pub with my plastic mates".

Also, what's beautifully ironic is that 99% of those that point and laugh at our attendances aren't even regular match-goers to The Swamp - in fact, I'd be willing to bet good money that some of them can't even find the place with the aid of a fucking Sat Nav.

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