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Got Biden to win at 3/1 this morning. Couldn’t believe the odds offered by the bookies with the heavily democratic favoured postal votes still to be counted in key states.
I can only think that the bookies were coming up with their odds in a similar way to a football match when a team goes a goal up but with plenty of time left in the game for the other side to get back into it.
Just turned the tv on again.
Looks like the scenario a lot feared.
So close that Trump will declare victory regardless of postal votes not yet been counted. (Still can’t get my head around, why? If votes came in days/ weeks ago)

This is going to be bad. Like Trump incited, sorry predicted, very bad. Physically bad.

Stay safe folks.
I can only think that the bookies were coming up with their odds in a similar way to a football match when a team goes a goal up but with plenty of time left in the game for the other side to get back into it.
I don't think the bookies had got their heads round the intricacies of the different impact of mail-in voting depending on the state and were reacting more to raw voting numbers. I suspect they've got their act together a bit better now we're down to a manageable number of states.
Don’t you dare lecture the rest of the forum on this subject. Those alt right forums and websites you spend your time on have poisoned your mind.

if you can’t recognise the danger that this man poses to not only the states but to the world, then you’re a moron. Let’s assume that you have no morals yourself so you’re prepared to ignore the fact that he represents and promotes every single dark and dangerous element of human nature: mocking the weak, denigrating women, hating foreigners, insulting his rivals like a child, inciting and stoking division, the normalising of barefaced lying, The arselicking of dictators and a thousand other ugly traits.

let’s even ignore his stupidity and incompetence which is available in pretty much any text written by anybody who’s been int he White House who is not in his pocket. They’ve all spent four years trying to educate him and curb his baser instincts. This man has the nuclear button for gods sake,

You have the gall to present yourself as some evangelist of science, which I actually admired in you at one point, Yet you repeatedly stand up for this man who denies climate change, denies vaccines and denies the coronavirus. Just this fact alone should make any same person, even if they are utterly devoid of morals, terrified of this man being the most powerful in the world.

And you talk of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” like some 18 year old back bedroom nazi with a gun fetish? Fuck off. He’s rotten to his core. I told you yesterday, when you were defending another right wing piece of amoral shit, you’ve jumped the shark. You’ve gone down the rabbit hole. You seriously need to have a long hard look at yourself and stay away from whichever dark and sinister corners of the web you’ve been lurking in.

I can’t reply because I’m going to work soon and I’ve thrown this together over my coffee. And my days of fighting for the last word on a forum are over. But you need telling what you’ve become and I’m glad that other posters are seeing through you as well as me. And the veil of plausible deniability you throw over it all is totally transparent.
Look at all this impotent rage, all of those words to say:

"You are challenging things I don't want you to challenge so I think that you must support them secretly. It's ok to lie about people I think are bad."

Dave, you're what, 50 odd? This sort of thing isn't good for your blood pressure. All the halfwits here might think that this is some deep analytical takedown but in reality it's a pointless rant from a boomer who doesn't like it when people disagree with him.

I also love the verbiage. "You need telling". Well consider me told by you. And totally ignored, dismissed and mocked. Nothing you said here mattered, had an impact or changed anything. Hence the impotent rage.
Yeah why would anyone post polling data that has turned out to be within the margin of error in the battleground states.

It's pray by the way.

some of the polling predictions had Biden by a complete landslide, annoyed as it gets ya hopes up and then it’s then all of a sudden it’s the shit storm that we now have.
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