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Honestly man, this is weak shit. There have been so many opportunities over the last few years, from David Duke then to the Proud Boys now, where Trump has an opportunity to distance himself with the racists and lunatics at the fringes of the right and time after time he doesn't do it. It's not an accident, it's not misspeaking, and there's no need to parse every single word. If Trump wanted to make it clear that he disapproves of these people we wouldn't need to debate the nuances of his sentence structure, we would fucking know it, like everything else he believes in. It's pretty clear to anyone paying attention that he doesn't want to go after these people because they support him. Your willingness to go to the mat for Trump on this is a really odd thing.

Not really. I’d have put money on it.
Interesting thing about Gavin McInnes, the founder of 'The Pussy Proud Boys'.

He's pretty much a charlatan, a confused one at that. Born in Scotland and raised in Canada, somehow he's managed to infiltrate American culture that are incel, mostly, imo.

He denounced that group he said he set up as a 'joke', 2 years ago only to rejoin when they went on without him (and remained in the public eye). There are Black members. He is married to a Native American to whom he shares 3 kids. If he is a 'racist' then he's a confused one with double standards (like a founding father, perhaps?).

The fact that Rogan finds him 'fun' is most likely his persona, not his 'ideology', if he actually has one. The group he created lives on with or without him, but if it's ever deemed a terrorist organisation he will flee it again and give up all info on it.

He's an arsehole opportunist thriving on attention.
Here’s a lovely video of the founder of Proud Boys (who is Canadian) featuring utter dick Joe Rogan as well. As always splicing together a variety of clips may not necessarily reflect the true character of the person (yeah, sure).

I take it that you didn't watch it otherwise you would have picked up on the fact that he's "mostly fun".
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