
grantyboy23 said:
Liverpool got about 31,000 for their europa league with their fanbase so I think we did well
Ane Newcastle got 16k

City aren't in London where the wealthy live, and we don't have a bank of glory-hunting fans yet.

27k is a good crowd seeing as there were next to no visiting fans
100%manc said:
TBH 27'000 for this game was fantastic because of the following

Hard times
Many have just forked out for new home and away shirts
Many have just bought season cards
Some have had to pay £50 for the first home game
Some have had to pay £50 + £20 for city card renewal
People on Holidays
Plus we have just seen a pre season tour that was Shite.
It was on the telly

This time of year if very expensive for most fans. If I was skint and had to choose between Paying to see a friendly or paying for the liverpool game I know what I would choose.

Well done to everybody that went but if you didnt , it does not make you any less of a fan.

Anyway LYNX. Its not about Quantity its about quality. We have some of the best fans in the world. Our stadium isnt full of tourists like what you get at Barca and Madrid and the the swamp.

Disagree on one point. Who, other than a rag, chooses to buy a shirt over seeing a game?
Why well done? People only turned up for a game-hardly scaling Everest or solving world poverty is it!!!

Always amazes me when the attendance is announced at games and people clap-what are they clapping exactly? Its only a number being read out!

stonerblue said:
What a cracking attendance for a friendly. Well done to all that went.
<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:38 pm --<br /><br />There was around 100 or so Valencia fans in SS upper.
bluewigmcfc said:
south stand was nearly empty no away fans hardly aby city fans ? good crowd.
Roger Ringpiece said:
Why well done? People only turned up for a game-hardly scaling Everest or solving world poverty is it!!!

Always amazes me when the attendance is announced at games and people clap-what are they clapping exactly? Its only a number being read out!

stonerblue said:
What a cracking attendance for a friendly. Well done to all that went.

-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:38 pm --

There was around 100 or so Valencia fans in SS upper.
bluewigmcfc said:
south stand was nearly empty no away fans hardly aby city fans ? good crowd.

Becuase it's always nice to have your support ackowledged<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:41 pm --<br /><br />
Roger Ringpiece said:
Why well done? People only turned up for a game-hardly scaling Everest or solving world poverty is it!!!

Always amazes me when the attendance is announced at games and people clap-what are they clapping exactly? Its only a number being read out!

stonerblue said:
What a cracking attendance for a friendly. Well done to all that went.

-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:38 pm --

There was around 100 or so Valencia fans in SS upper.
bluewigmcfc said:
south stand was nearly empty no away fans hardly aby city fans ? good crowd.

Because it's always nice to have your support acknowledged and it seems right to acknowledge your fellow fans who turned up......and me and the other half always have a bet against each other on the attendance and loser has to buy the takeaway LOL

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