31 | Ederson - 2022/23 Performances

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The reason he doesn't make wondersave after wondersave is twofold, one we dominate the ball and opponents don't have that many shots against us, and 2 he is ALWAYS in the absolute perfect position. Best keeper we have ever had in modern times. The amount of crosses he comes and claims easily is overlooked aswell. Then of course he is peerless with the ball at his feet.

People who wank off Joe Hart who was absolutely bang average and slag Eddy don't have a clue.
No need to slag off Joe mate. He was a great keeper for us. Eddie has let in some soft goals but when it mattered he came good and overall he’s been great, has there been a better catch of a long ball than the one at the end?
Never understood the criticism he often got on here. EVERY keeper lets in a few soft goals throughout the season, it comes with the job. But when you look at his overall game, considering the fact that he spends long periods with little to do which means it's more difficult to maintain concentration, I find it difficult to fault him and I don't think he gets the respect he deserves. I don't know if that save in the very last second was going in, but it said everything about him for me. Fantastic keeper and hugely underrated IMO.
I watched the game with a varied group of fans, one is a liverpool fan, but also CEO at County, he couldn’t believe it when I said there’s City fans that don’t rate him. Then right on cue one of the City fans said ‘my brother says if you watch Ederson, he doesn’t ever make a save and when you think about it, he doesn’t’. Then we had a 30 minute demonstration of why he’s the best in the world. Really smart saves, great distribution, calmness personified and charging out for crosses.

We have some odd fans..
You could change the word odd to idiot, and it wouldn't be unfair.
The reason he doesn't make wondersave after wondersave is twofold, one we dominate the ball and opponents don't have that many shots against us, and 2 he is ALWAYS in the absolute perfect position. Best keeper we have ever had in modern times. The amount of crosses he comes and claims easily is overlooked aswell. Then of course he is peerless with the ball at his feet.

People who wank off Joe Hart who was absolutely bang average and slag Eddy don't have a clue.
The ball he claimed right at the death was magnificent. A packed box and he comes and catches it clean as fuck about 15 yards from the goal.
No need to slag off Joe mate. He was a great keeper for us. Eddie has let in some soft goals but when it mattered he came good and overall he’s been great, has there been a better catch of a long ball than the one at the end?

I know its unpopular but I always thought barring a few games he was brilliant (Spurs away, Dortmund at home) he was ridiculously overrated. Was forever punching crosses he could have easily caught, let in loads of goals on his left hand side and he used to infuriate me aimlessly booting it up the pitch to nobody. Thought I was going mad when we used to sing that joey joey hart song. Felt so vindicated when it took Pep about 2 weeks to fuck him off. (We'll ignore that Bravo season)

I got a lot of stick at the time for my opinions and used to see the same people who defended him to the hilt throwing shit at Ederson for not saving 0.9 xG chances.

But yeah I get you we've just won the treble and I was being a bit weird bringing up my old bitterness about Joe Hart lol. I'll try not go to the Jack thread and ask if anyone still misses Raheem anymore aswell
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