3rd over 4th or Manure winning the League?

Never understand the psychology behind these type of threads. Who gives a flying fuck what United win or don't win? What we do should be the only focus of City fans, and if finishing 3rd means they win the league, so what? We aren't going to win it, so the next best thing is to finish as high as we possibly can. Why would you want us to go through qualifiers just to stop United winning the league? There is 100% no common sense behind that whatsoever. If we don't win the trophies on offer, I couldn't give a rats arse who else wins them.
3rd every time i really don't give two shits what the scum do and would rather not be shitting it if we had to play a qualifier for the champs league!
3rd. It's not just about whether we could win the qualifier - the extra games hurt us getting ready for league games next year... and 3rd means that we can look down on Arsenal or Chelsea.
benCTID said:
Imagine sundays result was in your hands, Chelsea were defo going to beat Manure(and if Arsenal) beat that mob Chelski would win the league on GD, but if Manure were to win City finished 3rd instead of 4th (beating Arsenal to 3rd on GD) so what would you choose?
Beating Arsenal to 3rd on goal difference? There's a ten goal deficit to overturn. Not impossible, or even hugely improbable but if we do beat them to third I reckon it'd be on points.

Anyway, it's got to be third. I do care whether rags win trophies. I don't adopt the attitude that if we can't win them I don't care who does. Of course I fucking do. City first but the rags failing is not a non-entity, far from it. I want Barcelona to spank them in the Champions League final. Absolutely and unequivocally. That we were never in the competition makes me feel this no more or less. If they win the title, I'll be disappointed, if they don't I will celebrate.
We should stop worrying about what United do ... i'll tell you now they're gonna get the double anyway (Champions League/Premiership) ...... you see if i'm wrong , and i'll even tell you that Hernandez fella will be instrumental in it , it's his season!

What we need to is concentrate of rounding off our best season for 40 years by finishing as high as we possibly can in the top four , and winning the FA Cup ..... and only 'total focus' will do it!
black mamba said:
We should stop worrying about what United do ... i'll tell you now they're gonna get the double anyway (Champions League/Premiership) ...... you see if i'm wrong!

What we need to is concentrate of rounding off our best season for 40 years by finishing in the top four , and winning the FA Cup ..... and only 'total focus' will do it!

They won't win anything should Chelsea win on Saturday and United lose at Arsenal.

United won't get within two goals of Barca and I fully expect a humiliation akin to Rome all over again.

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